Golang blocks — if, for, switch and defer

Stefan M.
Published in
3 min readMar 12, 2019

To be honest I was not sure if I would write an article about these “blocks” because they are doing literally the same thing in “all” programming languages. But because they have a different syntax and some other nice sugar (and I will have a nice cheat sheet for at least myself) I have decided to write one 🙂.

I hope I don’t have to explain what if, for and switch do. So I will just put some code in here without that much explanation. But I will explain the defer thing a little bit more in detail. This is not very common in other languages and needs a bit more attention.

if — else if — else

The default syntax looks like the following:

if x == 3 {
// Code
} else if x == 2 {
// Code
} else {
// Code

The difference to some other languages here is that the statements don’t have to be surrounded by parentheses. Only the curly brackets are required.

A nice feature which is also new is that you can add a short statement before the actual statement:

if x := calculate(); x == 0 {
fmt.Println("X is zero!")
} else {
fmt.Println("X is", x)

The declared variable in that statement is only available inside the if/elseif/else block. Afterwards it isn’t accessible anymore and leads to an undefined compiler error.

for loops

Golang loops are always for loops. Other languages have sometimes also while or do-while loops. These keywords don’t exist in go — but the same loops can be created with it. To “manipulate” a loop break and continue are also available:

// "Default" loop
for i := 1; i < 10; i++ {
// "While" loop
for i < 10 {
i += 1
if i % 2 == 0 {
} else {

// "Infinite" loop which break directly
for {

switch — case — default

The switch statement has also different “flavors”. It can be created without a statement, with a statement and with a short statement before the actual statement… 🤯:

// Switch without a statement
switch {
case number == 0:
fmt.Println("Number is zero")
case number == 1:
fmt.Println("Number is one")
fmt.Println("I don't know what number is...")
// Switch with a statement
switch number {
case 0:
fmt.Println("Number is zero")
case 1:
fmt.Println("Number is one")
fmt.Println("I don't know what number is...")
// Switch with a short statement
switch number := 0; number {
case 0:
fmt.Println("Number is zero")
case 1:
fmt.Println("Number is one")
fmt.Println("I don't know what number is...")

break in the cases is not available because Golang will only execute the case which will satisfy the condition. When two cases are met the condition the first one will be picked.

The statement for the switch doesn’t have to be a number. It could also be a string or some other type.

To defer something

To be honest I’ve never seen a concept like the defer in Golang in other programming languages. And at time of writing I’m not sure in which situations I would use it. But maybe my first real program will tell me…

Anyway. You can add defer before a function call and it will be— please don’t get confused now — evaluated immediately but executed when the “containing function” returns.

What does it mean in practice? Well, you can call a func but it will be executed later! But what you call “inside” this defer will be evaluated immediately. For example variables which you put into the function will have the value while you call the function. Not the one which will have it when the “containing function” returns:

func main() {
func doSomething() {
aBoolValue := true
defer executeLaterWhenTrue(aBoolValue)
aBoolValue = false
func executeLaterWhenTrue(boolean bool) {
if boolean {
fmt.Println("I was executed")

The output from this program will be I was executed. But when you switch the aBoolValue assignments (set it first to false and then to true) it will print nothing.

This is because the function executeLaterWhenTrue is called after doSomething returns but the aBoolValue will be evaluated “in time”, not when doSomething returns.

Learning sources

I’ve learned this from A Tour of Go.

