Proposal for Listing Gomics(GOM) on Binance DEX

8 min readSep 25, 2019


Project Summary

  1. Project Name
  2. Link to your asset page on Binance Chain
  3. Your name and position
    Vincent Yu — COO
  4. A one-sentence pitch about your Project
    There is the most important real economy in Gomics.
    In the contents market which has been growing rapidly, the Gomics project to create a transparent and wider ecosystem is highly anticipated.
  5. What are you planning to achieve with your project?
    Gomics plans to create a blockchain-based entertainment platform using
    blockchain technology. They aim to create an ecosystem using the platform, also to enable users (readers) to subscribe webtoons or for creators (publishers) to publish their works.
    On the platform, users and creators can interact efficiently using GOM token and get profits from them. We also plan to solve the problems in the comics industry by
    utilizing good contents of Gomics platform with blockchain technology. In Data stage of Gomics, the data of creator and user is protected, and copyright issues also can be solved.
    In Business stage, the platform will be able to have more contents on it, and GOM token will be used for the payment method. All resources in Gomics ecosystem will boost profits for both platform users and creators at the same time.
    In Application stage, which is the final stage, Gomics will be able to provide the service that enables to build a community by containing many components or to
    extend components for developers.
  6. What is the team size now? Please list each core member of the Project team and outline their role and responsibilities. If any project member is involved in other projects, please clearly state their commitment and how they avoid conflict of interest.
    Currently we have 37 full-time employees in the company, 21 of whom are developers. The Gomicsteam is comprised of experienced professionals from leading global companies: Additionally, we have 6 advisors that are actively helping our team.
    CEO Demian
    CSO Jason Hwang
    CMO Steve Yang
    ADVISOR Jin-ho Hong
    ADVISOR Doo-hee Lee
    Legal adviser Seong-won Park
    7.Project Website
    8.Share a link to your project’s whitepaper
  7. Share a link or image of your roadmap
  8. Where are you right now in your roadmap?
    Mass production Content and building the base environment
  9. What is the business model of the Project?
  10. What is the potential user base and market opportunity?
    Currently, the contents market’s trend has been growing rapidly and many kinds of movies can be produced through the first verification.
    Once this first verification is verified and become popular, the second work’s will be successful to produce drama because it has already verified before.
    Although webtoon market is just the very first stage internationally, it is good opportunity for Gomics.

Token Information & Economics

  1. Token Name and Symbol
  2. What is the primary use case of your token?
    For the reward to creators and payment in the contents market.
  3. Where else can your token be used?
    It will be used as a payment method for subscribing webtoon.
  4. What is the total supply of your token?
  5. What is the circulating supply of your token?
  6. Please provide a breakdown of current token allocation.

7. Please provide a list of team wallets that hold your token.
Team 7%:0x1ebf56d2852b34edce1097ac33c0d33f31f95aad

8. Please provide all lockups in place for any holders of the token.
Angel: 2month lock-up
Private:6 months of lock-up,unlock tokens based on the burn
Team:1 years of lock-up,unlock 10% every month
Advisor:6 months of lock-up,unlock 10% every month
Marketing:10% unlock
Partner:1 year of lock-up, unlock 10% every month
Production: Unlock
Reward: Unlock
Company: After 1 year of lock-up, unlock 10% every month
Public:30 days of lock-up

9. Are you compliant in all jurisdictions that you service and operate in?
Yes, I’m in compliance.

10. Is the token currently running on any network other than Binance Chain? Please provide explorer links to each version of the token.

11. Please provide a detailed token migration plan. What mechanism will you be using?
We had swaped of the outstanding tokens to Binance Chain before listing on Binance DEX.

12. What is the exact timeline of opening the swap/bridge to the public? Will you be able to complete this prior to the end of the voting period? If yes, please provide evidence that it the swap/bridge is ready or close to being ready.
Yes,we had finished the swap to the public.

13. If your tokens currently still sit in only 1–5 addresses, please provide the timing of when they will be fully allocated to users.
More than one to five addresses have been distributed and are being distributed on an ongoing basis.

14. Is the token currently listed on any other exchange? What are they?


15. Did you conduct an ICO or any type of fundraising? When was it?
Yes, it was in March, 2019

16. How much in total did you raise?
2 million USD

17. How much have you spent in total thus far? What have you spent these funds on?
600K USD for company’s operations, Road map development, marketing, and community building.

18. What kind of methods do you have to ship the final product?
Content production , Global Services , Payment method,our products have been distributed to 50+ countries. Currently, Gomics has over 70,000 registered users. We have accomplished our 2019.09 roadmap and starting our 2019 10.

19. What currency/coin/token do you plan to hold your funds in?
I’ve got USDT,BTC and ETH continuously.

20. What’s your own coin storage/conversion policy? Do you only convert to fiat when you spend?
No, We don’t switch except business.

21. How do you plan to publish your spending each month?
Projected spending will come primarily from equity investments. We currently publish financial reporting to our shareholders each weekly..

22. Where are your funds stored? Please provide the addresses for public community tracking.
bitcoin — 3D54zwqHHBxSHtGKTAq2oEHtDEUnnpSCw6
eth — 0xdf369409ebad161f989f29b547e053b6cc34bd6c
Company holdings 7%
0xa3fa4e6257398abbd40c26a040c74d13d368b063 525W
Reward 10%
Prodiution 20%
Partners 5%
Marketing 10%
Advisor 5%

23. If you have plans to conduct an IDO, please provide a detailed plan including IDO format, methodology, timeline, fundraising goal and amount of tokens, and sale price.

24. What are the technological innovations of the project, if there are any?
Content Addressing Unlike Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), IPFS uses the way of looking for the information by data, rather than by IP address. In the case of searching by IP address, the web browser looks for an IP address based on the domain what users have typed, and then the information data will be found out inside the domain. On the other hand, in the case of searching by the data of IPFS, when all documents are input to the system, calculated hash value will be given to each data; It is calculated based on the data. Therefore, the same document has the same hash value, and if the contents of the document have been changed, the hash value will be also changed accordingly. When a user needs a document, the user has only to request the hash value of the document. IPFS automatically searches the distributed hash index, and finds the node to retrieve the document and verify the data of it.· Version Control IPFS uses Merkle DAG-based data structure and Git Version Control system. By combining these two technologies and data search methods, IPFS file systems can be inspected, and unnecessary accumulated data can be eliminated. It improves efficiency without wasting storage. At the same time, IPFS provides file history with the function to run back to old version. Its logic of file storage makes it possible to store data for longer periods and to enhance the stability of Internet data.· P2P transmission IPFS file system is the data transfer method similar to BitTorrent. the users of IPFS file system do not need to download data from a central server with P2P data transfer method. They can get the data from other users who already have the one. Thus, data transfer rate will no longer be affected by the bandwidth and the accessibility of centralized servers. Under the many circumstances, the data transfer rate and the response time will be better than the ones in centralized servers. Therefore, Gomics selected IPFS as its file transfer system and built a platform to create and to share content, by complementing STEEM, IPFS, cross-chain.

25. Where are your code repositories located?

26. Do you have any products or UI demos can you share publicly? Are any built by your community, as opposed to being in-house demos?
No. It hasn’t been made in public yet.

27. Do you plan to release weekly progress updates in this forum?
Yes,we will do our best if possible as long as it does not interfere with development.

28. Do you plan to host monthly or bi-monthly video AMAs?


  1. Who do you view as your current competitors/peers?
    Although we have many competitors, we will keep on making our contents with our own copyright. However, we are working with many business partners who use Gomics.
  2. What is your project’s competitive advantage over existing or potential future solutions?
    Our own copyright content itself. Gomics’ technical structure is divided into three stages: Contract stage, which is the most basic level of blockchain, Business stage, Application stage. Gomics is being developed, based on STEEM structure; it also complements STEEM + IPFS + cross-chain technology, and with the addition of sidechain, it allows other types of chains to be cross over. In Business stage, using the combination of AI and big data, users evaluate and verify contents. Through the business stage of API, Gomics based community will be constructed and the developers combine more
    The Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) has been influenced by internet data transfer area and widely applied on it since 1991, when the first contract of HTTP was settled. The IPFS development team thought,‘ In HTTP based structure, the centralized Internet is inefficient and expensive. It’s also difficult to provide the speed or information what people really want.’ P2P data transmission allows people to transfer the data at higher speeds. IPFS is the distributed file system founded by Juan Benet in May 2014. Protocol Labs helped to develop it. It has several features: Content Addressing, Versioning, P2P transmission. The blueprint of it has become the basis for the decentralized Internet around the world. After four years of development, its module has achieved high quality,
    and has been used in a wide variety of projects. Because it is possible to use immediately.
    What’s more, Gomics has been operating the business lately and there is real economy.
    Contents market is the very beginning stage. The bottom line is that Gomics is differentiated to be able to produce the contents with its own copyrights unlike others.
    Furthermore, Gomics Contents has more than 20,000,000 users in only korea and over 1,000,000,000 all around the world. We also have the absorptive power to enter in the contents market rapidy. And it has been appeared substantially thesedays.

