How are we changing education at GoMyCode?

Wafa Hawes
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2018

Lately, we’ve been working on a new educational platform that uses machine learning and educational psychology to propose to each student a course that is adapted to his/her learning style.

To ensure that a good learning experience is maintained, we are trying to adapt the classroom to the students and not the students to the classroom.

What are the Learning Styles ?

For the last month we’ve been working on a research to find a positive correlation between the learning styles and the types of intelligence based on the triarchic theory of intelligence of Mr Sternberg a Cornell University and an IBM professor.

For this we tested the memory, attention and perception and linked them to the thinking types (and intelligence) of the students so we can identify each student’s strengths when it comes to learning.

Based on the results we’re adapting the content of our courses to each learning style, making learning easy for everyone!

To know more about it just read this 3 min read article:

Why didn’t we use the poplular learning styles theory ?

Simply because lately many research papers has proven it wrong.


study published in 2016 found that students who preferred learning visually thought they would remember pictures better, and those who preferred learning verbally thought they’d remember words better. But those preferences had no correlation to which they actually remembered better later on words or pictures. Essentially, all the “learning style” meant, in this case, was that the subjects liked words or pictures better, not that words or pictures worked better for their memories.

That same year, another study found no relationship between the study subjects’ learning style preference (visual or auditory) and their performance on reading or listening-comprehension tests. Instead, the visual learners performed best on all kinds of tests.(

This doesn’t mean everyone is equally good at every skill of course. People have different abilities, not styles. that’s why we gathered informations about thinking abilities and we used the triarchic theory of intelligence : identifying

the student’s intelligence is the first step to help him to apply and improve it !

Everyone is able to think in words, everyone is able to think in mental images. It’s much better to think of everyone having a toolbox of ways to think, and think to yourself, which tool is best?

