Flounce With Me — A Flash Fiction Challenge

Joey Held
Gone in a Flash
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2020


“That’s absolutely it — I have had enough!”

Theo was fuming. If you looked closely enough, you could see smoke coming out of his ears.

“This entire place is riddled with incompetence! Everywhere I turn, it’s just one flub after another. How did anyone ever let you all in charge?”

He looked at Waylon, the eldest employee in the office.

“You think just because you’ve been here since the Byzantine Era, you get to make up the rules on the fly? Pathetic.”

Theo then turned to Janice, who had only started four weeks ago.

“And you, you come in here acting like you’re hot stuff. You think just because you went to ‘college’ you’re better than me?”

Janice was confused. Why did Theo put “college” in air quotes? She went to the University of Oregon, a perfectly fine school. And she thought Theo also went to college; he had Georgia Tech paraphernalia all over his cubicle.

“Ho boy, don’t think I’ve forgotten about you,” Theo said, turning to Claire, his boss. “You’ve outdone yourself this time. Working for you is like walking on a floor full of trap doors. Just when I think I can’t fall any lower, the bottom drops out.”



Joey Held
Gone in a Flash

Writer, voice actor, podcast host of Good People, Cool Things and Sports R Dumb | And I have a book—you should read it! https://joeyheld.com/books