Andrew Joshua
Gone Phishing
Published in
2 min readMay 12, 2015


Security threats (By Andrew Joshua, 1062587)

The internet can be a dangerous place for the indiscreet as they are faced with many threats in terms of their personal information and privacy.

The first major issue users face is the title of the blog: Phishing. Phishing is a scam by which an e-mail user is tricked into divulging personal information for the scammer to use illicitly, usually stealing your money to fund criminal activity. Phishing can be identified by spelling errors in the e-mail, links to external sites and threats or the use of a popular person or company as a source or reference.

Another threat you may face is Identity Fraud. This is when an outside individual or entity tries to acquire personal information to impersonate you for the purpose of making transactions in your name as they do not wish to be caught and will lead the authorities to your doorstep. This can lead to large sums of debt and can have legal implications.

The solution to not being caught unaware is to implement some form of e-mail filtering for spam e-mail, to be cautious as to whom you divulge information to and to not divulge any personal information that is unnecessary. Virus protection for all devices is essential and a strong password is the most basic form of protection for keeping your information private and secure. It is necessary to inform your bank and the local authorities if you are a victim or suspect that you are being targeted.

Security is a large concern for many internet users but if security measures are implemented then you can sleep easy, knowing you are safe.

Sources: — Accessed on the 11 May 2015 -Accessed on 11 May 2015 — Accessed on 11 May 2015

Andrew Joshua


