Welcome to the Gong Tech Blog

Eilon Reshef
Gong Tech Blog
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2018

At Gong we develop a state-of-the-art SaaS solution that introduces AI into business applications, with a focus on one of the toughest domains: sales.

Gong has won several awards, including Gartner Cool Vendor and AI 100. We were listed in third place in The State of B2B Tech in Silicon Valley in 2018 report, one above a well-known search engine, whose name also begins with G.

We believe that to add value to a business domain, AI-based solutions must be able to bring together all of that domain’s data, analyze it, and provide a packaged solution that’s intuitive enough for non-technical people to use it in their day-to-day job.

To succeed in the sales domain, we at Gong pull in and analyze, at scale, sales conversations (speech), email communication (written text), sales data (structured data), video conferences (video), and more. We provide a solution that’s used regularly by sales professionals via multiple channels — web, email, and mobile. You can read some (anonymous) reviews about Gong on the G2 Crowd site.

We’ve demonstrated success and quickly became an indispensable part of the stack at hundreds of companies, from high-profile tech companies such as ZipRecruiter and Pinterest to public companies such as Microsoft and NetApp.

In this blog, we highlight some of Gong’s approaches to innovation and technology; we cover engineering best practices that address performance, scale, and quality; we describe advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches that drive analysis of human conversations and creation of recipes for domain-specific success; and we provide some opinionated views of SaaS and modern software development.

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Eilon Reshef
Gong Tech Blog

Eilon Reshef is a co-founder and the Chief Product Officer at Gong.io, the leading Revenue Intelligence solution— helping modern sales teams succeed.