The Republican Party is officially broken

Ben Turner
Gonzo Politics
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2021

January 2, 2021

As someone who has previously voted for Republicans, donated to Republicans and had many pleasant and productive meetings with Republican state legislators and members of Congress, I have to now sadly report this — the party of Lincoln is broken.

All four new Republican U.S. Senators announced today they will reject the results of a free and fair presidential election and will lie to the American people and tell them the election was stolen.

If political parties do not accept defeat when they lose fairly held elections, they cease to be viable, valid instruments of civic engagement. For our country to continue, conservatives and center-right voters must have a valid way to express their political opinions.

There remains a decent share of free-thinking and rational elected Republicans of influence but they are vastly overshadowed by the party’s leadership, the president and his boot-lickers and enablers. Conservatives of conscience should break away and form a new political party, one that respects the rule of law and the rights and dignity of Americans, one that does not value lying and one that can be a viable center-right party in America.

Otherwise, anyone who continues to vote for Republicans is complicit in this madness and furthers the risk we will become a totalitarian state. One just has to look at today’s announcement to see which direction the Republican Party is trending — towards darkness.

