Announcing Gooba’s GBN format: what it is and how it works

Gooba Official Blog
2 min readAug 6, 2019

We have always been committed to making our notes compatible with most of the services available out there. During the updates we have perfected the most famous formats and added new ones.

With the release of Gooba 3.1, which has renewed the Gooba notes thanks to the Markdown, we have given the possibility to share and export the notes in 4 formats: PDF, Markdown, TXT, and HTML.
The Gooba notes, therefore, could be exported individually or they could be exported in a single zip file, in one of the four chosen formats.

With the third major update of Gooba 3, version 3.3 (September 2019), we have greatly improved the export and import of Gooba notes. For this reason the GBN format was born.

The GBN format produces a Markdown document with the title, body and formatting of your note.

Why use the GBN format

  • Re-import the notes into Gooba
  • Share notes with other Gooba users
  • Store notes that are not needed at the moment


To use the GBN format you must have version 3.3 of the app for iOS or for Mac.

If you have other questions, you can contact us via our Twitter profile or through our dedicated channel.

