Happy birthday, Gooba! Two years of success!

Gooba Official Blog
2 min readApr 12, 2019

How time flies! It seems like yesterday that I opened my Mac to give life to something I never thought would take me to this point. It all started as a test and as a first experience to become part of the much-desired world of Apple developers, so renowned and so envied by the whole world. It was a challenge with myself, I had to do it! Not now, maybe in ten years, but I will also bring out an app that will travel around the world!

I opened my Mac, two years ago today, I started designing the first sketches of the interface. My first app had to be small, simple and personal. I wanted it to be a project of my own. For the following months I changed and changed the interface, the logo and its features. Every day I had new ideas.

After exactly a month, I wrote the first lines of Gooba code. Everything was new to me, I was a beginner. Day after day, line by line, block by block, I wrote the first note with my first app. It was a strong emotion, everything worked because of me. I released the first beta and I got hundreds and hundreds of beta testers from around the world. It was amazing how such a small project, created in a small town, could attract the attention of China and America!

In the meantime I started university, moved to a new city and continued to work on my project, which was no longer a personal project. But of all. It wasn’t right for me to keep it just for myself. I published it on the App Store. And from here it all started uphill.

Today, after two years, Gooba is one of the best apps available on the App Store, for writing texts and managing tasks. “A great app” was defined by Apple itself. I was able to talk to Apple experts, receiving beautiful compliments.

The future of Gooba? It will be even more powerful and increasingly unviersal. We are preparing for the launch of the next big goal: the Mac app, coming this summer. The climb is still very long!

Happy second birthday, Gooba!
Your founder.

