Future of Work

Darwin Ling
3 min readNov 24, 2016


“A double shot espresso for John”, the barista at Starbucks calls out your name while you are reading your email on your phone. “Should I review Solar City’s account one more time before I head down there?” “I still have several hours before the noon meeting” Then, a notification comes up. Upon tapping on it, a neighborhood map is displayed with all the accounts. While some of them are familiar customers, a lot of them, marked with “Gold Star”, are not. These are the accounts that your other sales team members have been laboring to close in the last month. “I have done deals with these guys before. They know me. I have several hours now. What if I just pay them a visit before the afternoon meeting? I am sure that will help” Then, you tab on the account and dial….

Carl, your CEO, was scheduled to make a presentation to the board in Q2. He sent you an email suggesting that he himself, Joe ( VP of Marketing ), and yourself ( VP of Sales ) should work together on the slides in April in New York, where the headquarter office is based. Eager to get started on preparing for the meeting, you tab on the “suggested records” button. Your sales data for the past quarter — Opportunities, Contracts, Email exchanges — are neatly displayed. “I’d better start planning for the trip to New York. “Last time I booked the flight late, and it has costed me an extra thousand dollars!”, you pondered. Scrolling beyond the sales documents, you tab on the “plan your travel” action. There, you enter the itinerary information — travel dates, preferred hotel and airline, and the information goes straight to the travel system, and a thousand dollars saved!

You are reviewing the email from Danaher, a customer at the final stage of discussion. You notice that there will be a demo meeting next month. Darwin, your sales engineer, is preparing for a technical presentation for that meeting. Launching an SMS session with Darwin, you want to work with him to ensure that everything is on track. Unlike any other chat session, there is a bot also listening in. To give Darwin more information about the deal, you order the bot to fetch the contracts which were just exchanged with Danaher’s legal. After Darwin replied, you ask the bot to fetch the opportunities. The chat continues…

Is this vision — getting to the right information at the right time, while you work — too far fetched?

For us at SmarterMe, the answer is no. In fact, we believe this is the future of work. And the future is already here!

Thanks to advances in AI and Deep Learning, SmarterMe is realizing this vision now. And customers are reaping the benefits and are becoming extremely productive. In my next blog post, I will reveal the technologies that are powering the vision. Stay tuned!



Darwin Ling

CTO & Deep learner, Entrepreneur, Investor, Armchair Economist, Empowering the masses with AI and Fintech