Karma and Carma.

The Carma blog by CarPal
2 min readOct 2, 2013

I am a car enthusiast and I just love cars. What is more enticing is the process of building and shaping one, welding its various parts together, the paint job and polishing of its hood, attaching it’s grills and lights that give it an expression which it can carry around and at the end suiting it up with proper upholstery resembles something quite similar to the dressing of a human being. If you share the same enthusiasm as I do for cars then you shall be probably resonating my feelings.

Karma a popular Indian notion is the concept of “action” or “deed”, understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect. It is of the profound belief that if you do a good action the good comes back to you and vice versa. In the end it is all about how much good and bad you carry for your reincarnation as a human is another belief popular in India.

We humans are believed to be composed of five elements which are water, land, air, fire, and wind. Cars too synchronized with similar set of ingredients. It is compiled of land from which and steel get extracted, fire to purify the materials obtained, water to cool the iron used in the process and wind is needed at all the times from the point of manufacturing various parts to the effective running of its engine. Car follows a principle of karma, when you do ‘good’ to car in terms of driving it safely and in a stable manner, it does good to you by dropping you in one piece at your required destination. Whereas when you do ‘bad’ to a car by not maintaining it and not taking the proper care of it by not checking the engine and battery regularly, then it does bad to you in various manners like not starting up at all, throwing tantrums by leaking oil, water coolant, etc.

Cars and Karma are related and therefore Carma. Was born. Carma. is all about Karma for cars. A Car is like a baby growing in its various stages and care should be taken at each level. Carma. helps you in being aware of that along with a lot more information. Carma. is like a baby too, which is getting polished as we move ahead in time. Some of the new polished outputs obtained are Carma.mbassdors and Carma. is parking exclusively at Instagram soon.

- Shreyansh Singhal



The Carma blog by CarPal

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