Redefining Fatherhood

Good Dad-Bad Dad

From a Dream to a Revolution

Krysta Williams
Good Dad-Bad Dad
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

As I sat down to pen this article, my mind drifted back to a conversation with my almost six-year-old son. He had just woken up from a dream that contained two characters, the Good Dad and the Bad Dad. As a single mother, this dream struck a resonant chord within me. I have been raising him single-handedly since he was less than a month old, his father having drifted away like a forgotten melody. His father, who was present in the delivery room, who held him in his arms, who saw the first spark of life in his eyes, chose to walk away.

We were left adrift in a sea of questions, the biggest of all being, "Why?" What could lead a man to abandon his newborn son, to not even cast a backward glance? We may never know, but what we do know is that we are not alone. There are countless mothers and children out there who have experienced the same pain, the same abandonment. And through this article, I wish to reach out to them, to all of you, and start a conversation that is often brushed under the carpet.

The dream my son had, of a Good Dad and a Bad Dad, is a stark representation of the two paths a father can take. The Bad Dad, who abdicates responsibility, who chooses to turn a blind eye to his progeny. The Good Dad, who is present, who nurtures, who guides, and who loves unconditionally. This article is not about vilifying fathers who have made the wrong choices. It is about motivating and inspiring fathers to be the best they can be, to step up, to take responsibility, and to love without reservation.

Perhaps my son's father was going through his own struggles. Perhaps he was lost, hurt, depressed. I would like to believe that, because it's easier to understand a man who is broken than one who simply doesn't care. But whatever his reasons may have been, they should never have come in the way of his role as a father. Every child deserves a father who is present, who is involved, who loves them.

Through this blog, my aim is to inspire fathers to be the best they can be, to overcome the fears and insecurities they might have, and to step up to the plate. If even one father reads these words and decides to be a better dad, then the mission of this blog will have been achieved.

The dream of a five-year-old boy has sparked off a revolution. A revolution that seeks to change the narrative around fatherhood. That seeks to empower fathers to be the best they can be. That seeks to ensure that no child ever has to dream about a Good Dad because they have one in their lives.

It’s never too late to be a Good Dad. It’s never too late to change a child’s life. If you are a father reading this, remember, your child looks up to you. You are their hero. You can be the Good Dad. And to all the single mothers reading this, remember, you are doing an incredible job. You are the rock upon which your child builds their world.

Here’s to the Good Dads. May we know them, may we raise them, may we inspire them. Here’s to a world full of Good Dads.



Krysta Williams
Good Dad-Bad Dad

An award-winning author with a passion for storytelling and poetry. My goal is to inspire and empower, aiming to change the world one article at a time.