How to become a Good designer?

Sometimes it takes more than just skills to be a good designer.

Kanchi Mehta
Good Design by BS
5 min readJul 25, 2020


At some point in our life as a designer we have all had this thought every time we saw some good design on the internet, billboard or even a magazine— “I could have also done this!”

First, in a brief, let’s understand what is Good Design and how does it stand out?
1. Good Design is simple and honest.
2. Good Design is functional.
3. Good Design is unobtrusive.
4. Good Design is innovation.
5. Good Design evokes a feeling/emotion.
This comes with many other sub-points to define and break down what a Good Design is made of but that, my friends, is for another day.

Once you have understood these points, probably tattooed it in your head, implementing it is the next step.

A good designer is someone who can consciously and aesthetically create a design with innovation giving it a form and function to be able to communicate with it’s audience in a simple and honest manner evoking a feeling of relatability or acts as a conversation starter.

A Good Designer is conscious.

Art and design are two different ways of expression and they communicate with people in different ways. An artist is not necessarily a problem solver making art subjective in nature. A designer is conscious about the audience it is communicating with. A good designer does not leave the audience confused or evoke an unsettling feeling for its audience but directly communicates and talks to the audience through visual and verbal design.

A Good Designer understands form and function.

What if a designer designed a flat spoon? Would it defy the function of a spoon and the curved side that is meant to scoop the food? Of course it will!
Next thought that would cross your mind is probably, “Who in their right mind came up with this?”

Herman Miller beautifully incorporates form + fucntion into design.

At this point, it is safe to say that the designer was being innovative but was he/she aware of the form and function of the spoon? probably not. Sometimes we all fail to understand the function while being excited over our idea. But this is when we must be conscious of the form and function of the medium we choose to use to communicate with the audience.

A Good Designer always does a thorough research!

Imagine preparing a face mask at home with a recipe you found online. Without understanding what really suits your skin type, you mix the ingredients and enjoy the mask on your skin. The next morning, you wake up with really bad breakouts. It’s not that the ingredients were wrong, but you failed to do your research on which ingredient is suitable and not for your skin type.
Similarly, as a designer, it is important to be thorough with your research about the brand you are working on. Its competitors, its target audience, the current trends and topics, the brand philosophy, etc. If you’re assigned a project, make sure that it is your job too to know the brand in and out. Research helps you derive insights which leads to ideas that help you create concepts and execute your design.

A Good Designer knows the difference!

One idea or concept can pop in multiple heads. But the way you execute it using your skills and talent, is what sets you apart. Always be true to your design. With a lot of urge to copy+paste, it is important to understand the difference between inspiration and plagiarism. Two words that are making their rounds in every creative industry. Inspiration is when you look at a design and come up with your own version of the same or build on it making it a base inspiration for your overall design. Plagiarism on the other hand is down right copying someone else’s work.

Apple VS Lenovo advertisment. It is important to know the difference between Copying and Inspiration.

Respecting each other’s effort and work is what makes you a good designer. There are instagram accounts like DietSabya, SocialMedia Dissect and many such that call out accounts who have plagiarised work and fail to acknowledge the source of inspiration. While this can happen between brands, it can even happen in your design school or your office with your colleagues. As a good designer, if you are aware of your work being copied, build on the original content and find another way to represent the same concept.

A Good Designer appreciates critique and is always humble.

As a designer myself, I too have been critiqued, rather harshly, for my work. But its the way you take it— either personally or as constructive criticism, just like impov. The “Yes, And..” technique of Improv works beautifully when you’re being critiqued for your work. Design will not please everyone but if it talks to your audience, you have succeeded.
There will be times when you will be looked upto by budding designers who want your feedback on their work. As an experienced designer it is important to drop the arrogance around those still learning. A good designer will always give constructive criticism and help other grow along with themselves.
That is what sets you apart!

There are many more qualities of a ‘Good Designer’ and many other things that will set you apart, like your design style, your presentation skills, your on-time delivery of work, but these points will help you stay true in this race.

What is Good Design by Blckspce Studio?

We’re a bunch of creative nerds who are passionate about good design. We wish to promote effective communication in a world full of mediocrity. In this growing age of fast design, we want to take it slow, for us, this is no factory. Our goal is to bring like minds together and open a new door for those who’ve been blinded. We are here to create something good, for great may not exist.



Kanchi Mehta
Good Design by BS

Just a tiny girl, making her fantasy world come to life. Honest, unfiltered, heart-felt stories only