🥢小菜療癒力完勝麵食,采岳軒重慶抄手麵食 The healing power of small dishes is better than noodles of this restaurant in Taipei

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2021


It may seem derogatory to say that the small dishes of a noodle shop are far superior to the main dishes of noodles, but it is a rare compliment to customers like me who have been searching for the taste of the small dishes of the mother of the family.


After my mother passed away, I went everywhere to try Sichuan noodle restaurants, trying to find my mother’s taste, but there was always a right taste, but a taste that was missing.


However, the restaurant, Tsai Yue Xuan , has a small place in my heart: the small dish seasoning is very close to my mother’s seasoning style.


In particular, the Sichuan chicken dish, not only tastes like it but also the way the spices are cut on top is very much like the family mother’s practice.


Shredded green onion and pork ear slices, also very much like the family mother’s approach, shredded green onions, and braised pig’s ear are delicate, the seasoning is very light.


The pickled green bitter gourd is perhaps a bit too light and not spicy enough, but it has a vague hint of a home-cooked dish.


The restaurant’s main dish, noodles, did not bring back any memories, but the small dishes mentioned above, when had them on a rainy spring night, did remind me of my mother’s extraordinary cooking.

采岳軒重慶抄手麵食 the restaurant, Tsai Yue Xuan

