🥢🍚🍜旅遊指南3遺珠台北捷運美食:熱食篇 Three Hot gourmets not included in Tourist Guides but you could get near Taipei MRT

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readMay 10, 2018


Japanese friends gave me several Japanese guidebooks in Taipei. The content, attractions, materials, editing, and photography were far better than I could imagine.

There were also a lot recommended Taipei foods near MRT.


However, no matter how good the food guide, there are always regrets. Here are three Taipei MRT hot foods that I personally recommend. The focus is all within 10 minutes walk from Taipei MRT station:

Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rice, dishes recommend:Stewed Pork with Rice, grilled chicken, soup with mushrooms & pork ribs.



Friends from Japan, South Korea or Hong Kong want to eat Stewed Pork with Rice in Taipei. The famous Jinfeng restaurant and FuBawang restaurant often mentioned in the travel guides always keep you waiting for a long line.

Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rice is near Taipei MRT Shuanglian Station. There are a traditional market and many attractions worth visiting nearby.

See the following text for details:

梁記雞肉飯:雞肉飯必點。Liang Restaurant, dishes recommend:Taiwanese Chicken with rice


Liang Restaurant served great Taiwanese Chicken with rice & delightful side dishes with reasonable prices. You can reach this restaurant by foot in 10 minutes from Taipei MRT Songjiang Nanjing Station.

13 kinds of spices noodles restaurant, dishes recommend:
Beef noodles,Stewed Meatball with cabbage served with noodles,Dumplings Chicken soup.


Another underdog not included in Tourist Guides served great Taiwanese Beef noodles near Taipei MRT Liuzhangli Station.

