🥢熱天吃 鰻魚飯,👩🏻女生開的 福海鮮屋 Eating the eel with rice in Summer at Girls’ Fu Seafood Restaurant, Taipei

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018


Japanese will eat the eel with rice in a particular day of Summer.

「丑」的日文發音為「うし」(u shi),日本人有在土用丑日,吃有「う」開頭食物的習俗,如梅子、烏龍麵、牛肉、鰻魚等,他們相信吃掉丑日「う」字能抗暑。

In Summer, Japanese will eat foods beginning with “う”, such as plums, udon noodles, beef, eel, etc., they believe that as long as they eat the ugly “う” word, they can resist heat.



The word of eel in Japanese “うなぎ” is the beginning of “う”, but at first the Japanese did not eat the eel in Summer, because of the eel in Winter with better fat.

In the time of Edo, the eel restaurant asked a Wise man for help to promote the eel in Summer. The Wise man wrote, “Eating the eel in a particular day of Summer will ease the heat.” Then the eel restaurant posted the note on the front door. In times, Japanese finally used to eat the eel in Summer as a custom.


I personally like to eat eel with rice, which did not follow any specific season or date.


However, the Japanese eel day of 2018 was two days on July 20 and August 1. It shakes my mind. The earth was hot as if it is burning. It seemed that you couldn’t stop the heat invaliding into your body by eating or drinking anything.


After the Japanese eel day, I finally walked into a Japanese-style restaurant opened by girls that served a great & simple eel with rice.



The eel with rice in the Fu Seafood Restaurant is completely untouchable. Except for a little red ginger and cucumber, it is a large piece of fine eel that has been carefully coated and baked. The Miso soup is also full of tofu and fish.


The large piece of eel, sticky with the soft rice, sometimes looks at each other, biting slowly in the mouth, as if there is a happy energy that breaks into the body.


The other dishes on the other menus of Fu Seafood Restaurant priced at a low level in Taipei.

Several girls were very popular in the nearby market. They turned to the alleys to make Japanese-style restaurant, and the service was very intimate.

Restaurant Info:福海鮮屋 Fu Seafood Restaurant10491台北市中山區伊通街99巷3號1樓1F., №3, Ln. 99, Yitong St., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City 104, Taiwan

