👩🏻☕️正妹與幼童家庭交替出沒,好杯咖啡 Take your sip of good coffee between cute girls & kids, Cafe No Worries , Taipei

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2019


“Cafe No Worries” offers a professional coffee tasting service and is also an award-winning coffee shop in Taipei that has beaten many opponents.


However, my favorite is their simple coffee menu, as well as a tasting coffee set that is exactly the same as the picture on the menu.


There is a tiny cup with the ice cube for you to change the temperature to taste the coffee, there is a sugar lemon slice, and there is a coffee powder smelling the cup.


If you come to this coffee shop often, you will find many cute girls coming in and out. On weekends, there are also families with young children who come here for brunch.




Because “Cafe No Worries” has an area that allows young children to play, it can also let cute girls go there for their “Chat of Bestie”.


I discovered this “Cafe No Worries” as I had visited the famous Changji Street pig blood soup restaurant next door, but that is another story.

店家資訊:Info for tourists好杯咖啡 Cafe No Worries台北市大同區昌吉街22號№22, Changji St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, TaiwanOpening Hours:Mon. 12:00–17:00Tue.-Fri. 12:00–21:00Sat.-Sun. 11:00–21:00


More Cafe :



Kyle Chu 微風捕手

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