🍊☕️ 大田 耶加雪菲 中烘培 咖啡豆 開箱文 Tasting Yirgacheffe Medium Roast Coffee Beans of Brand San Tend

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2019


Yirgacheffe is the most famous high-altitude coffee-producing area in Ethiopia. The coffee beans produced here have an extraordinary citrus aroma and are loved by coffee fans who prefer a fruity style.


There’re a lot of online shops selling coffee beans from Yirgacheffe. I bought coffee beans from Yirgacheffe of the brand “San Tend”. Its price is NT $ 440 for a pound


The coffee beans were poured out of the sealed bag and carefully examined.

The particle size and the quality of the selected beans were alright, and there were no broken beans but there were differences in the roasted degree of beans that you could tell from the color.


During the grinding process, you can smell a light scent of oranges. You can brew it with a filter paper hand-washing or a filter-type coffee machine. The taste of the drink is almost the same, and it has a light fruity flavor of oranges.


It tasted slightly sour with a little over-roasted flavor and it could do better in roasting beans.


Perhaps the expectations for Yirgacheffe coffee beans are too high, and I look forward to discovering more high-quality online shopping Yirgacheffe coffee beans.

