🛒☕️ 好市多 有機 阿拉比卡 中深烘培 咖啡豆 Kirkland Organic Whole Bean Blend Medium Dark Roast Coffee Beans

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2020


Costco developed a series of coffee bean products under the name of “organic”. The new face in Taiwan in December 2019 is Kirkland Organic Whole Bean Blend Medium Dark Roast Coffee Beans.


Based on experience with Costco coffee beans, all coffee beans labeled as “medium and dark roasted” should be considered “dark roasted” coffee beans. However, this Kirkland Organic Arabica Medium Dark roast coffee beans with surprising roasting results.


Open the coffee beans and pour them into the empty can. You can see that there are light and dark coffee beans, but instead of saying that the outer packaging of “medium and dark roast” is accurate, it is better to say that it is dark roasting and light roasting beans mixed well.



Kirkland Ethiopia Jimma Region Organic Light Roast Coffee Beans might be better in the aroma. This coffee bean has a slight Milk candy flavor, which is quite pleasant to drink in the morning.



Kyle Chu 微風捕手

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