Matt Longmire
Good Fucking Habits
2 min readMar 20, 2017
Photo Credit: Liz Bridges

You should always be proud of your accomplishments. You should even take the chance to talk about those accomplishments when the occasion presents itself. That being said, there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. The issue is the often larger divide between confidence and humility.

Some people fall too close to the humility end of the spectrum. So much so that they heavily discount their own accomplishments, often at the expense of themselves and their confidence. Know that talking about your achievements does not automatically constitute bragging and when talking to people, if someone asks, feel free to tell them what you’ve done.

Many others have no problem shouting their latest successes and even some of their failures at the top of their lungs. They’re so filled with pride that you wonder if they have room inside for anything else. They brag, boast, gloat, and otherwise puff up their chests in admiration of no one but themselves. These people, put simply, are assholes.

Don’t get me wrong; I believe strongly in the value of confidence and wish I had more. It’s something millions of people struggle to find in themselves, and I often think perhaps it’s the arrogant fools who’ve stolen it from the humble. We fear being perceived as boastful because we see it as cheap and shallow and false.

It’s not that bragging or boasting is rude (although it is), it’s that we live in a world where this trait is seen as success or at least mistaken for confidence. We idolize these men and shower them with both prize and praise while we skim over the achievements of those who choose to speak at a lower volume.

Ask yourself: Do I keep my successes quiet, take pride in them, or vomit them into the ears of everyone I encounter? Don’t confuse the answer to that question with identifying as either “introvert” or “extrovert” as introverts can most certainly boast and extroverts can absolutely be humble.

So how is this a habit? Notice the moments when you feel the urge to bring the conversation back to yourself and instead, ask a question of the other person.

Be proud of your wins, both large and small and yes, tell the world what you can do and have done. Just be sure to listen to others at least as much as you speak and always ask about someone else’s achievements before mentioning your own. Your ears are equally as useful as your voice.

This article was originally published at



Matt Longmire
Good Fucking Habits

Just a guy, trying to be better than I was yesterday.