Are You Grieving And Life Is Difficult?

Jacqueline Steudler
Good Grief
Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2018
You can follow Jacqueline Steudler’s art on Instagram

Wisdom Grows in Quiet Places

This is a quote I see everyday when I sit at my computer or work with my clients by Skype.

It reminds me to celebrate stillness.

To listen even more intently.

And open a safe space for all to share their stories through art making and words. Encouraging them to listen to themselves deeply.

Over the last couple of years, I have worked with wonderful and brave women.

There is always that moment of realization.

All of a sudden they realized the strength and wisdom again they carry inside themselves.

Sometimes it happens early on.

Sometimes it takes more time.

Sometimes the feeling of strength and clarity comes and goes like a soft warm breeze.

Each of us is unique in our own way of grieving.

Feelings of grief can be loud and overwhelming so that the real you is getting drowned by the sadness of it all.

I assure you, you are still here — in a new way — but you are still here.

Your soul is waiting for you to listen and maybe take some actions to start healing.

If you could just take a moment today to listen to that quiet place inside yourself. Maybe you will hear your wisdom grow.

Want a little more help navigating your unique grieving process? Sign up for the Healing Notes that will come your way every second Sunday by email. Sign up for it right here.



Jacqueline Steudler
Good Grief

Navigating your grief isn’t easy. Healing happens one image at a time. Art Therapist and Creative Grief Coach.