How To Acknowledge My Lost Dream

Jacqueline Steudler
Good Grief
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2018

Have you ever built a dream around a relationship? Yes, I know. Don’t we all do it?

You can follow Jacqueline Steudler’s art on Instagram

We meet someone, we fall in love, and we start to build the dreams around that love.

If the love is mutual, we share our dreams, adjust them to each others liking and build our relationship towards it.

Then sometimes, life or even death steps in and that shared dream collapses.

When your loved one dies not only is he or she gone, all your dreams and plans for the future are gone too.

Nothing can bring back that shared dream or plan because the person that was a part of it isn’t there anymore.

Grief is unique and everyone grieves in their own way.

There are no stages that you can follow and then you are done and you can go back to live your life as before.

It will change you and it will change your dreams.

Write it out

Take a piece of paper now and write down what your shared dreams were. Seriously, do it right now. (smile)

You might feel emotional. This is normal.

Grief shows us our reality.

There is no denying, no talking ourselves out of our situation.

Grief shakes us up, it shows us how deep our love for our loved one was.

It also shows us how much we cared for the dreams we had built together.

You can tell yourself: “OK. Let’s just accept reality and move on” and it might help but…

I have some other ideas:

  • Read out loud what you have written before and let it resonate in your heart.
  • If you like to draw or paint, capture your dreams visually.
  • Go for a walk and find a place in nature that resonates with your shared dream.
  • Call a friend and get together with her or him and talk about the dreams. Important: Ask your friend to just listen and not comment on it and then get a hug. (smile)

Give your dreams a voice, acknowledge them and show your heart that you still care.

Grief can be a challenging and overwhelming experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. Discover the support and guidance you need with these three gentle resources. Take the first step towards healing; click now and nurture your soul.

Originally published at



Jacqueline Steudler
Good Grief

Navigating your grief isn’t easy. Healing happens one image at a time. Art Therapist and Creative Grief Coach.