10 Reasons You Are Crying For No Reason | Good Healthy Mind

Good Healthy Mind
Good Healthy Mind
Published in
5 min readJul 3, 2020

The overwhelming surge of emotions makes you upset, but you cannot place a finger on why it is happening. Tears suddenly roll down your face, and you cannot explain why. Then, you think you are crying for no reason and wondering why this unexplained crying happens, also known as crying spells. It’s perfectly normal to feel this way.

Why Do I Cry So Much?

If you ask yourself this question at least a dozen times, you are not alone. Emotions tend to make you feel out of control. Crying is a great way to release emotions, whether it be sadness, grief, or joy. Having a good cry is healthy.

Crying is linked to your fight or flight system. Your “flight” mode triggers your body to release tears to let out overwhelming emotions. But if you just breakdown for no reason, you need to give it attention. Your body finds a way to cope with extreme emotions. Determining the source of these feelings is crucial because it makes it easier to deal with. You might be dealing with loss, a bad break up, or just in a bad mood because of a bad day. In severe cases, you have anxiety or depression. Crying for no reason or unexplained crying is often associated with panic attacks, an anxiety disorder, or a neurological condition.

The best way to deal with it is, to be honest with your emotions and feelings. Fortunately, being in touch with your feelings is a good thing.

Here are ten reasons that we have identified that explain why you cry for no reason and excessive crying.

1- Health Conditions

Before tackling your mental health, consider checking your physical health first. Some medical conditions contribute to your hormone levels or other chemicals in the body. Hormonal imbalances are linked to the following health conditions: pregnancy, menopause, thyroid disorder, vitamin deficiency, Pseudobulbar affect (PBA), hypoglycemia, and others. Go to your doctor and get checked out as soon as possible to ensure none of these reasons are the contributors to your condition.

2- Stress

Stress drastically affects you, physically and emotionally. The symptoms include nausea, tension, headaches, and crying episodes. The pressure stress causes is a part of life, but it affects individuals differently. Your body may more prone to suffer a crying episode because of the tension. It would be helpful to pinpoint what causes you stress and lessen your contact with it or eliminate it completely if you can. However, this does not apply to your job or schoolwork. Therefore, it is best to find ways to relieve stress through non-medicated efforts such as yoga, therapy, or exercise.

3- Exhaustion

Sometimes you think you can function with less than seven hours of sleep if you drink coffee. Many of us simply think coffee is the fix to everything. Reality says that your body cannot function well when you lack sleep. Your body needs sleep to remain healthy. Without sleep and rest, you become more forgetful, irritated, and groggy. Moreover, the lack of rest requires you to exert more effort into your countless tasks. And, this eventually leads to negative mood swings and a crying episode.

4- Anxiety

Similar to having a fever, anxiety is an illness that should be treated as such. Anxiety is more than overthinking and worrying. Your brain has a hard time shutting it off or controlling it. Being anxious sometimes is normal, but if it overwhelms you and hinders your daily life, it becomes a problem. When you ask yourself, “Why do I cry so easily?” it might just be your anxiety talking.

Anxiety is more than a chemical imbalance in your brain. It also shows physical symptoms like rapid breathing, shaking, weakness, headache, nausea, or difficulty concentrating. Anxiety is difficult to manage, but there is no need to endure it alone. Seek medical help or help from others.

5- Depression

There is a common misconception that depression is just feeling sad. It is more than that stigma. It is the persistent feeling of hopelessness, sadness, worthlessness. Depression is a common reason for uncontrollable crying. Those with severe depression feel emotionally empty and numb. Happiness is no longer found in activities they once enjoyed. It drastically affects your body by consuming you.

Some people can’t stop crying after feeling empty and worthless. Depression is challenging to live with, and you deserve all the help you need. Contrary to many beliefs, depression is a condition more common than one may think. Depression affects more than 300 million people and is the number one mental illness.

If you believe you are suffering from this, seek medical help and get in contact with a trained therapist. Depression is a pressing mental illness that needs treatment.

6- Denial

The truth is, there is a good reason to cry. It could be because of work stress, relationship issues, family problems, or financial issues. However, you bottle up these feelings until it implodes within you. Normalize accepting these feelings instead of denying them.

7- Emotional Shock

Emotional shock occurs when you recently experience or witness something traumatic. Crying is your body’s way of reacting to that stimulus. If left untreated, emotional trauma can lead to PTSD. Seek professional before this ensues.

8- Old Trauma

People say, “Leave the past behind,” but, sometimes it comes out subconsciously. Repressed memories or emotions are hidden within your subconscious. Old trauma is a trigger, and crying is a result.

9- Emotional Dysregulation

You cannot control emotions more than others. You cry uncontrollably as if you are carrying the sadness of the world on your back. And, this might be due to adverse childhood experiences or inadequate parental guidance.

10- Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

People suffering from BPD described it as “living without the emotional skin others have.” This often leads to sadness and bursts of tears. Not only that, but it also leads to rage outbursts. Triggers are different for everyone, and these triggers might be why you can’t stop crying.


Crying is normal. It is healthy for your physical and mental health. It is a cathartic expression of releasing pain or sadness. If you want to manage it, try slow breathing exercises, relax, or take a walk or do other activities that detach yourself from stressful situations. In reality, stressful situations are unavoidable, and some things are uncontrollable like any negative emotion that comes with it. What you can control is how you react towards them which can be helpful to reduce your crying frequency.

Also, if you notice other people showing these symptoms, be kind, and help them. Talk to your loved ones. Let them know they are not alone. Seek help when you feel like you no longer have the capacity to cope. Try to find professional advice for a better state of mind. Take care of yourself.

Originally published at https://goodhealthymind.com on July 3, 2020.



Good Healthy Mind
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