22 Suggested Jobs For People With Anxiety | Good Healthy Mind

Good Healthy Mind
Good Healthy Mind
Published in
9 min readJul 11, 2020

There are many people who suffer from an anxiety disorder nowadays and depending on how serious your condition is, it could be as bad as having agoraphobia, meaning being afraid of going outside, or social anxiety, fear of interacting with others, or similar kind of mental health issues.

In a situation like this looking for suitable jobs for people with anxiety can be tough, because even though a lot of people with an anxiety disorder are completely functional, there are many situations that could be very stressful, so a job or career path that requires this every day can really take a lot mentally and emotionally.

The ideal job will depend on what you like and what makes you more comfortable because maybe for some people working all day in a cubicle could be ideal and is a low-stress situation, however for others, this might be a high-stress situation because they might feel trapped and uncomfortable.

The good thing is that nowadays there are many options available to choose from and is very likely you will find a career path that will be a good fit for you, so here is a list of different jobs that might be ideal for you.

22 Suggested Jobs For People With Anxiety

Working in a library is a great option for someone with high anxiety and who doesn’t like fast-paced or loud environments. No matter if it’s a big or small library, or if it’s a library that has a lot of people, it’s a place were people behave and that is silent, so this creates a good environment for someone working there who needs a quieter and slower-paced environment.

Librarian Average Salary in the US: $59,050

Writing can be soothing and therapeutical for a lot of people, so this can be a great alternative if you like writing and you are good at it. You can either write Freelance (there are sites that you can offer your services to write articles) and/or you can start your own blog about a topic you like and over time monetize it if you are able to create traffic to the site, by ads and/or offering affiliate products.

The good thing is that you can do this from home or any place you feel more comfortable.

Writer / Author Average Salary in the US: $62,170

Computer programming opportunities keep growing more each day, and the need for well-qualified people keeps increasing.

Working as a computer programmer might be a good alternative for you if you are more of an introvert since you can work by yourself, it’s possible to work at home, and there is not necessarily much interaction with people since you are more valued because of your technical and analytical skills, not much for your social skills.

Computer Programmer Average Salary in the US: $85,237

If you enjoy baking then working as a baker or opening a bakery is another option that might be a good fit for you.

You can also bake at home and offer what you do to people in your neighborhood, online, and in your social media. It’s a great way to start to see if this a path you think it’s right for you.

Baker Average Salary in the US: $25,829

If you like animals and enjoy taking a walk and being outside, offering services as Dog Walker can be a good choice for you.

Some people with high anxiety don’t really like to go out, but for the most part, going out through places that are familiar and in residential areas is possible and it makes things easier.

Dog Walker Average Salary in the US: $25,911

Driving is something that for some people is enjoyable, so a job related to driving can be a great choice. The good thing is that this is not a difficult job to do, and even though you will be taking passengers, you don’t have to do much talking if you don’t want to, and you will be only with one person or a couple of people at a time.

Also, this is the kind of job that can allow you to manage your time and schedule as you like, so it gives great flexibility.

Taxi Driver Average Salary in the US: $26,408

As a graphic designer, one of the good things is that you don’t have to speak or deal with many people. People looking for graphic designers are interested in their creative skills and are not looking for communication skills in particular. This is a great job if you like computers, you like graphics and you are creative.

On top of that, this is a job that can be perfectly done working remotely, so it is possible to find opportunities that allow you are able to work from home.

Graphic Designer Average Salary in the US: $45,703

Similar to Taxi Driver, if you like driving this can also be a great job for you. The good thing about this job compared to working as a taxi driver, is that your interaction with other people won’t be much, only when you deliver the package and that is just a very brief interaction.

On the other side, probably you won’t have the same flexibility of time as you would have by working as a taxi driver since here you have to stick to a route and probably will have some schedule to follow. So you can choose depending on what you prefer.

Delivery Service Driver Average Salary in the US: $30,665

As a psychologist, you have the chance and opportunity to work with people. And even though this will involve talking to many people every day, the context is different, because here you will be working on helping them and on their situation, in a comfortable and safe space that is meant to make the patient and you to be comfortable. Also, you don’t have to talk about yourself at all, since your focus and what matters is the patient here, so it’s a good way to forget about your issues, and also your own situation can give you a great understanding on what others are going through.

A positive thing is that you have the flexibility where you can have your own schedules.

Psychologist Average Salary in the US: $56,307

If you like to teach, then working as a teacher can make sense to you. The good thing is that here you have options. You can either work in teaching in a classroom with a group of people or if speaking in front of a group of people gives you to much anxiety, then you can consider doing private lessons, or even consider online teaching.

Teacher Average Salary in the US: $49,569

If you like creating things and you are good at doing things with your hands, then a good option is Pottery Maker. There are many things you can create, and one of the best things is that you could have your own workshop at home and work by yourself, plus you have great flexibility. The only downside would be looking for people to sell your craft, so if you don’t like selling this part you won’t enjoy it very much, although the upside part of being Pottery Maker can make it completely worth with it.

Potter Maker Average Salary in the US: $33,340

As a photographer, there are many things you can focus on. Photography is tough, however, it is a great alternative if you really like you can either work inside a studio, maybe at sports events, or into the wild or nature, and here you can have good flexibility as well and develop your creativity.

Photographer Average Salary in the US: $32,204

As an accountant, you can work by yourself or work in a company, but the good thing is that you don’t need to have big communication skills and interact with many people. If you like numbers and you are an analytical person, this is a great choice because you can also have the chance to work by yourself if you choose not to work in a company, which gives you more flexibility and being able to work more on your own if that is what you prefer.

Accountant Average Salary in the US: $59,358

As a Landscraper, you can work by yourself, have flexibility on your schedule, and working outside with plants and using your creativity to make something unique and beautiful. If you like working in a backyard and being outside then this might be a great job for you.

Landscaper Average Salary in the US: $34,579

If you have the skills and you like fixing things, then working as a plumber is an alternative that can be great. Since you need to use your hands this could be useful for your anxiety since you are in constant movement, busy and focused. Also, you have the flexibility and there is little interaction you have with people. The downside could be that sometimes you will be working with human waste for example, which can make it quite uncomfortable is you are very sensitive to strong smells or this is too much for you to handle.

Plumber average salary in the US: $49,866

As a fitness trainer, the downside could be that normally you will have to work in front of a group of people and this may be uncomfortable, however, since you are constantly working out, this is a great way to relieve stress and anxiety, so being healthy and eating well is something that is very positive for lowering anxiety overall.

Fitness Trainer Average Salary in the US: $39,915

Giving massages for sure it’s a great way to be in a place of calm and quiet. You are helping other people relax, and even though you work with people, you don’t have to talk to them, so it’s a really good job that can help a lot with your anxiety since you are in an environment that is exactly meant so someone can relax and relieve stress and worry. Another perk is that you can have the flexibility on your times if you work on your own.

Massage Therapist Average Salary in the US: $41,238

If you like music and like helping others, then you can look into being a Music Therapist. The joy of music and the satisfaction of helping others can be great for you, and even though you work with people it’s with one or very few people at a time, plus you have the benefit of having flexibility with your times.

Music Therapist Average Salary in the US: $47,860

Very similar to a Music Therapist, but if art is something more related to you and you have satisfaction in helping others, then being an Art Therapist can be the best choice for you.

Art Therapist Average Salary in the US: $47,860

If you are a creative-artistic person and you have a special affinity to flowers, then working as a Florist can be the ideal job for you. Also working with customers is important, but when you are creating and arranging flowers you can be in your own, so if you don’t like to be around with customers very much, you will enjoy it when you are creating or doing arrangements.

Florist Average Salary in the US: $28,040

It is somewhat similar to a dog walker, however, the difference is that as a dog trainer you will be working more with the client, teaching them about the dog.

This is great if you like dogs and you also enjoy teaching others, and don’t mind some social interaction.

Dog Trainer Average Salary in the US: $26,442

If you love dogs and animals in general, and you like taking care of others, then this can be a great job opportunity for you.

There isn’t much social interaction involved since you mostly will be taking care of and working with animals. It’s a job that is similar of what a nurse does, but with animals.

Veterinary Technician Average Salary in the US: $29,543


Job search and looking for a dream job is not easy. A career choice is something you really need to put a lot of effort and time into, especially if you suffer from severe anxiety because of the limitations, so hope this list can give you some good ideas if you are looking for a new job.

If you are an anxious person and you are considering another kind of job that may be in a more stressful, high paced scenario, or that involves more social situations then go for it! As long as it’s something you enjoy and it makes sense to you, then you can do anything and you can overcome any uncomfortable part of it.

Remember that anxiety is just part of a self-defense mechanism that is meant to help you, so the more you do something that might seem stressful or that might give you severe anxiety, the more you become used to it, you become more desensitized and so any anxiety issues will stop or be negligible eventually.

Originally published at https://goodhealthymind.com on July 11, 2020.



Good Healthy Mind
Good Healthy Mind
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Helping people to understand anxiety, panic attacks, and any kind of mental situation, so you can feel better, happier, and live your life to the fullest.