The Wool Pot

More meanings, less elements.

Akihiro Takeuchi
good identity good
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Billions of single-use plastic plant pots are produced and millions are sadly ending up in landfill each year globally. Living on a sheep farm and being involved in the wool industry, Nadia and Polly, founders of The Wool Pot, realized this problem and their beloved material could be a solution.

Made of 100% recycled New Zealand wool, the world’s first fully biodegradable plant pot not only replaces single-use plastics but also provides benefits to the plants and soil.

We tested The Wool Pot in our own gardens, commercial market garden and plant nursery and were amazed at how it broke down in the soil, leaving no trace — just lots of happy plants and worms! The Wool Pot will form a bubble of life around your plant when buried, your plants will love being surrounded by the wonderful properties of wool, just like nature intended.
As long as sheep have grass to eat, water and sun, wool will keep growing and giving back to our planet, it truly is one of nature’s most sustainable, environmentally-friendly wonder fibres.

The Wool Pot— About

New Zealand based design studio Seachange is well qualified to this eco projects, after the success of two eco projects in NZ —We Compost and Supertrash.

We gave a face to this purpose-driven brand — an iconic character that efficiently reads as both a sheep’s face and a plant pot. The eyes playfully elude to seeds while the outer wool shape also suggests a flower. The identity utilises one colour and is playfully used in positive and reversed, a nod to black and white sheep.

The identity is extended through the use of woolly graphic shapes that are used to frame imagery as well as key messages in a bite-sized and engaging manner.

Seachange project page

A strong identity often tells effectively a lot in a simple design. As mentioned above, this simple logo tells four things related the project: wool, pot, seeds, and flower. More meanings, less elements!

More on Seachange project page

