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Discover What You Never Lost

Lance Baker
Good Life, Deep Roots
3 min readMay 24, 2019


It is easy to feel like there is a thing or circumstance “out there” in the world that would make us feel complete if we could just find it. However, as we mature spiritually and become more self-aware we discover that the answer to our longing is not a thing or circumstance out in the world. The answer is something from within. We realize that our manner of seeing the world can transform any thing or circumstance into a beautiful gift. The response to that gift is overwhelming gratitude.

Imagine a life where every thing and circumstance instills gratitude into the marrow of your bones. It sounds magical, doesn’t it?

Like all magical tales, however, there is a strange twist. This maturity usually comes as a result of going out on the journey and seeking those external things. The journey itself reveals that there is no actual destination and one must return home again. But after such a journey, we are no longer the same as when we left. We are able to see ourselves, and our place in the world, differently.

In other words, we already have everything we need to live with purpose and meaning. However, we are typically incapable of realizing it until we go on a journey of discovery and look back with epiphany eyes. The journey of discovery is what gives us the ability to see what we had all along.



Lance Baker
Good Life, Deep Roots

A fellow observer on the journey through life. Trying to cultivate a deeper way of being in the world.