A Better Place

Pepe Una
Good Morning Thoughts
Aug 28, 2021

I feel the pain of women,
The women who hurt me.

The women who used me,
Traumatised and molested me,
The woman who raped me.
All the women in my life,
Who gave me misery and anger.

I feel their pain now,
See the place they came from.

I see their bruises,
Which tell a story,
Of pain and suffering.
Their screams suppressed,
Their life oppressed,
By men without a soul.

Like a wounded animal,
With no escape route,
They seized the chance,
And took a part of me,
Colateral victim,
Of gender wars.

I whish a better place for them,
A place without suffering.
No suppression, no oppression,
No soulless beings,
No wars, no victims,
No wounded animals.

I whish they find a place of love,
Where their screams will stop,
Wounds will heal,
And peace will come.



Pepe Una
Good Morning Thoughts

Giving more than half of my income to exploited people. You should too. IT professional, self sustainability, eco farm, minimalism. Learning life without money