Sometimes ya gotta listen to rain sounds.

…and other thoughts on productivity in shared workspaces.

Sari Lash
Good Neighbors
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019


I’ve recently become an object of derision among my coworkers for listening exclusively to Spotify’s “Rain & Thunder” playlist while I write. Even when it’s sunny and glorious out, I’m over here soaking in a self-subjected miserable rainforest of productivity. Before you pity me, note that we live in Illinois and get approximately 2.35 days of sunshine a year. So honestly, I get it. I’d ridicule me too.

But this is just what helps me be productive. I can’t write to music, guys. I just can’t.

Maybe you recently joined a flex workspace, or you’re a #coworking black belt just looking for some fresh ideas on how to utilize your home base better. Either way, here are some thoughts, from the desk of a shared workspace junkie:

  1. What works for you will be different than what works for someone else. Own it. Sometimes the productivity blogs say the best work days start at 5:30am but you’d rather stab your eyes out than do anything useful before 11. Not everyone’s preferred work style will be what’s best for you. That’s fine. BUT. Do not skip the experimental work to find out what DOES work for you. Don’t go on autopilot having mediocre day after mediocre day. If you have the latitude, toy with your working hours, try the extremely-complicated-but-fun-sounding Pomodoro Method, work in the shared kitchen instead of at your flex desk, etc. Make it work for you.
  2. Here’s one that could get me fired: defy the rules a little. Co-opt a phone booth for a burst of dedicated content writing. Leave your phone at your desk and get after it. Book out a meeting room for a whole day just for you and that quarterly project you’ve been putting off. I dare you. Try using the space in a way it wasn’t intended. Be a #coworking rebel with or without a cause.
  3. Take advantage of the amenities. Does your space have a rooftop lounge? Get the heck up there. Does it cost just a little extra for the membership tier that gets you access to the gym? Buy it and get all sweaty on your lunch breaks. Often, shared workspace is intentionally designed (by people that know their way around this kind of stuff) to help you be more productive. Give their ideas a chance. The second-to-first-floor slide is calling your name.
  4. Ignore people if you need to. I know, I know. I’m totally unhinged out here. Shared workspace is known for community and collaboration. This is the equivalent of buying a Tesla and retrofitting it to take gasoline. But sometimes you gotta just fly past the desk, find the most obscure corner, skip lunch, pull up your hoodie, and crank a week’s worth of work out in a day. If getting labelled the “Grinch of Coworking” really bothers you, buy everyone bagels next Monday. But realistically, people will get it. We’re all here to do the same thing.



Sari Lash
Good Neighbors

Director of Brand & Culture @ 25N Coworking | Licensed Psychotherapist | Mental wellbeing & capitalism don’t have to fling poo at each other.