A Day to Just Laugh Your A$$ Off

V-Log break with social media chuckles

Jk Mansi
Good News Daily
3 min readMar 27, 2020


From thumbs.gfycat.com Tap to unmute, hear the song her’s hearing.


Star Trek Forever! Dr. Tanya Harrison on Twittter

Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to others. Make the decisions you would take if tomorrow was your last day on Earth. If you are feeling sad/angry/helpless , reach out to someone for help. If you are feeling lonely/alone/disheartened, reach out to help someone else. Both actions serve the same purpose: interconnectedness with humanity.


The Dune Tune. Chilik Tamir on Twitter

If I have only one life to live, let me live it so that at my death I have no regrets. If I have only this life to live, let me live it as the best human experience I could gain. If I have only one life to live, I want cake. Now!

If I have many lives to live, let me understand the concept of karma and carry it over in capitalist terms: may my spiritual stock portfolio contain all the debits and credits I have earned in this lifetime, plus compound interest on all my wholesome actions on those credits. I do not need to carry the fees, fines, adjustments and interest owed by those individuals who have caused me harm. ~Namaste/Amen/Salaam/Aloha/Ashe

Aa Valdivia on FaceBook h/t AJK

If I haven’t read you for a week or a month, it is simply because I am taking the best care of myself in ways that I know how to do. I cannot take on other people’s worry right now about our global health crisis. I cannot take on other people’s pain about what they are experiencing in their lives, in their homes and in their relationships. I cannot read most poetry, especially anything that is romantic or intimate, angry or helpless. It will not always be so. Things will change. I will not need to protect myself so stringently. Till then, please accept my apology for not getting to your writing. I am, as ever, your reader and your writing colleague.

Memes have run rampant during this crisis, I could not find the origin of this one.



Jk Mansi
Good News Daily

To know where you're going find out where you've been. I strive to be joyful. I read. I write. I’m grateful.