For you, for me, and sanity

Why I write on Medium

Harper Thorpe
Good News Daily


Photo by Will Myers on Unsplash

Sometimes life in Sillyville isn’t all that silly!

In January of this year, our family was close to losing our beloved daughter-in-law, to cancer. Leslie died in February of this year — 4 days short of her 43rd birthday. It was a time when, in the midst of dealing with life and death, one evaluates everything, reconsiders priorities, and struggles to make sense of unfathomable physical and emotional pain. With that backdrop, this poem was written.

Please don’t read
What I wrote
With indifference
If you were moved
I wrote it for you
If you weren’t
It was for me
And it helped

This poem is part of my answer to why I write on Medium. If you’ll indulge me, I’ll speak to both the context of what was happening in my life when it was written, and the broader context of what writing means to me — and why Medium.

“Please don’t read what I wrote with indifference.”

I know everything I write won’t resonate with others, but this line was an attempt to say, “Please, know I work hard to write something…



Harper Thorpe
Good News Daily

Engaged citizen, poet, musician, humorist, family man. I value irreverence, soulfulness, and a big heart. Offering insight, introspection, shock & aw shucks!