Healing: No One is Owed Forgiveness

Letting Go, Moving On. With Compassion for self

Jk Mansi
Good News Daily
2 min readOct 13, 2019


Candles to bring peace for their spirits. Sage for protection of my spirit.

A year ago today, on what was my father’s 99th birthday, a man who did grave harm to me and to others, for the first time I lit a candle for him. Joined by another candle for someone else who caused much harm to me. Between them lay a bowl to collect the negative energy dispelled. Clear-eyed I lit these candles to them, now both not in the physical world I occupy.

Today, on what would have been his 100th birthday, and close to his 30th Death-day, I burned sage around the perimeter of and inside my home. The smudging cleared my space and my spirit of their energy. I do not condone what you did. I do not forgive what you did. I have great love for myself and compassion enough for myself and for you. Be free. Be at peace.

Aligning myself with only that which supports and nourishes my continued growth, evolution, and existence.

Om. Amen. Ameen. Ashay.

Roy, Harper, Jack, Mark. This is the present. Rejoice!



Jk Mansi
Good News Daily

To know where you're going find out where you've been. I strive to be joyful. I read. I write. I’m grateful.