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Out of the Darkness Into the Light

Gentle reminders of what’s good appear

Anna I. Smith
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2019


I’m not going to lie. It’s been a tough twelve months. With no way to avoid the pain, I ride the wave to shore. When thrown against the rocks I lay there. Until the next wave.

After the storms a new normal takes shape. Readjustment. Recalibration. Recalculating.

Once again gentle reminders of what’s good appear before me. Tiny signs of encouragement. Move forward. Go on. Walk out of the darkness. Love and joy await.

Slowly I notice what is.

I notice the sound the fountain makes and chirping birds gathering around for their morning bath.

I hear the school bell ring and children laughing. And I hear their after school band practice. It’s the same noise each September. By May sweet music echoes across the canyon.

I knead pizza dough and smell the yeast, let the dough rest and bake my pizzas in a smoke-filled oven. And for dessert — chocolate squares sprinkled with hazelnuts. Crispy pieces of heaven melt in my mouth.

I notice sunsets once more and how the orange hues blanket the mountain.

And the nights I used to dread once again become something to look forward to.

I feel freshly laundered sheets against my body.

The trickling of the fountain stops for the day.

I drift off to sleep.

In the morning I notice my husband’s hand reaching for mine. Nothing is said. A simple, reassuring touch. We’ve got this.



Anna I. Smith
Good News Daily

Writes about human behaviors of all kinds (including my own).