The Halloween of the camera

A Jacobs family memory tale

Kathy Jacobs
Good News Daily


Reporting for Halloween duty, sir! (From the Jacobs family photo archive)

Both my husband and I love Halloween. We’ve participated in volunteer haunted houses. We usually decorate so kids know we are playing. We have even been known to dress up. You would think that my favorite Halloween would be one with the kiddo. You would be wrong.

My favorite Halloween happened years before he came into our lives.

It was the late 80’s. The company we worked for had a tradition of monthly parties for the employees. Usually the parties were happy hour type things. A few times a year, the event was a real party. Second only to December’s party, October’s party was always well done.

One year, I went as a mouse and he went as a cat burglar — no not that kind of mouse — the one you use on your computer. All grey with a cord for a tail and a big button on my back. He went in all black — including a ski mask he could pull down to go “incognito”. He even stole candy and props from people.

But the best year? It was the one when I went as Imelda Marcos. Pilipino butterfly sleeve dress, fake diamonds, and a stack of shoe boxes. But Bruce? He pulled the trick of a lifetime.

He went as a combat photographer. Camera (the model in the image), flash, flash bulbs, fatigues, press pass. (That’s him on the left in the picture.)…



Kathy Jacobs
Good News Daily

💚POMpoet💚 Former software tester, still breaking things. Social Media geek. Former OneNote MVP. Phoenix Mercury fan. Green Bay Packer fan.