Allies & Artists: Chad Dickerson | GP Interview #5

Raman Frey
Good People Dinners
6 min readJul 28, 2020


This is the fifth in a series of written interviews with thinkers, artists, activists and other luminaries around the world, people whose life’s work resonates with our founding principles.

Chad Dickerson busking on the sidewalk

Our friend Chad Dickerson was the CTO and later CEO of Etsy. More recently, Chad became a full time coach to technology founders who want to cultivate depth and flexibility of character, not just growth for its own sake. He called this advisory Strong Back, Open Heart, which isn’t bad advice in general on how many of us might best live.

GP: Why do you call your work now Strong Back, Open Heart? Where did this name come from and what do you hope to accomplish with this advisory?

CD: Mindful leadership is hard. Many of my coaching clients ask me some version of the question, “Do I need to be more tough or more compassionate?” in a given situation. My answer is always “Yes.” I learned this concept of “strong back, open heart” from working with my coach, Jerry Colonna, and then I started to see it in action everywhere.

MLK Jr. in 1964, image courtesy Ben van Meerendonk / AHF, collectie IISG, Amsterdam, Wikimedia Commons

I’m a student of Dr. King and I think it is most profoundly expressed in a sermon he delivered entitled “Tough Mind

