Generosity of Spirit: Scott McGuire | GP Interview #4

Raman Frey
Good People Dinners
10 min readJul 28, 2020


This is the fourth in a series of written interviews with thinkers, artists, activists and other luminaries around the world, people whose life’s work resonates with our founding principles.

Scott with his kids

Our friend Scott McGuire is a brand strategist, mountain and sea adventurer, father to three and founder of The Mountain Lab out of Mammoth, California. He regularly leads expeditions in all seasons into the mountains and down rivers on rafts.

Scott is a volunteer firefighter, former ski-patrol and is involved in local politics. He writes regularly on what makes for a good life in a mountain town and how we all can become better stewards of life on earth.

GP: You’ve long epitomized a generosity of spirit I can’t help but admire. I think of this as true wealth, the attitude that we have more than enough, even when cash is tight, and so can find ways to share with friends and strangers every day. What does giving mean to you?

SM: That’s an awkward question to answer as any part of it will feel self congratulatory.

The irony is that generosity often feels selfish. My personal experience is that more often than not, generosity offers the singe best ROI around. My dad was my inspiration in this. He would often say “we just add another cup…

