Evolving Capitalism: Jenny Stefanotti | GP Interview #9

Raman Frey
Good People Dinners
9 min readAug 7, 2020


This is the ninth in a series of written interviews with thinkers, artists, activists and other luminaries around the world, people whose life’s work resonates with our founding principles.

Jenny Stefanotti with her kids

Our friend Jenny Stefanotti is a strategy consultant and design thinker who has spent time at Google, Harvard, and Stanford’s d.school. She is the founder of Dent, a learning community of thinkers and doers driven to participate in institutional redesign.

Jenny is currently on a deep dive, researching, exploring and discussing with global experts on issues relating to economic reform. Can we evolve to a just and regenerative variation of capitalism, or do we need to challenge its fundamental tenets?

Jenny lives here in SF with her husband and three children. She wrote a beautiful piece on her choices on family and career here.

SF Federal Reserve, image courtesy Alex Beirwagen, Unsplash

GP: So you seem obsessed right now with either reforming or reinventing our economic institutions. How much of our current understanding of capitalism should we retain and how much do we jettison? How did all of this start for you?

