Voice Lessons: Allegra Bandy | GP Interview #25

Raman Frey
Good People Dinners
9 min readOct 8, 2020


This is the twenty-fifth in a series of interviews with explorers, thinkers, artists, activists and other luminaries around the world, people whose life’s work resonates with our founding principles.

Allegra Bandy is a producer and publisher of audiobooks, podcasts, and original jazz and world soul music.

Her production company is ODDUA PRODUCTIONS, based in Oakland, here in the Bay Area. Allegra has served as a performing and media arts educator, and is now exploring new projects for her production company, working vigorously on not killing her garden, taking walks in the woods at least once per week, knitting every time she’s on the phone with her mother, kissing her husband everyday, and being a great auntie. We caught up on career transitions, the voice as an instrument, conversational charity and more.

GP: You’re working right now on an exercise in personal reinvention, figuring out who you want to be and what you want to accomplish in the coming ten years. How did you arrive at this pivot in your life? Any inkling of what your next chapter will look like?

AB: Wow, it’s like you just asked me if I’m going to Disneyland.

How did I arrive at this point? Well, I’ve had to reinvent myself over and over before. Seems like it’s time to do it again. We all have…

