In 2018, through an ‘exploration agreement’, Griffith Business School established The Yunus Centre Griffith — with a focus on delivering action research and growing responsible business education that focused on better outcomes for people, place and planet.
Over the years, the Centre’s focus broadened from social business and the impact economy, to a systems innovation lens, and we became Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation.
From the outset, our form was intentionally innovative for a university. We operated as a social business paying back a patient loan over a five year period and generating contract-based income to meet our operating costs.
The defined five-year exploration period ends on 4 November 2024, and we’re excited to share that a key outcome of the initiative has been the successful incubation of a spin-out entity The Good Shift (live from 4th November, 2024)— which will continue the work via a different platform, including posting to and managing this publication.
We shared an earlier blog post reflecting on the messiness of transformation and the essential steps of composting and chrysalising ideas, projects and organisations, you can read that here.
And so as this phase of Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation comes to a close we wanted to reflect on and celebrate some of the work and relationships we threw our energy behind. In this timeline you can see the evolution of the focus of our work, the relational ‘tail’ and gradual, slow build up of the trust and work, and the people who journeyed with us across that time.
This post is a gratitude note to all the people who have contributed along the way — to learning together, experimenting with new ideas together, exploring unchartered ways together, sharing ideas together.
People who have shared their experience and advised us, who have paved ways in the University for us, who have turned up wholeheartedly to courses and workshops and shared perspectives with us, who have been willing to be in community with us, who have partnered in action learning with us, who have shared our thoughts into their own networks to create ripples beyond us.
Stay tuned for more from The Good Shift on this channel, and look out for what sprouts when the dandelion seeds of the rest of the GCSI team land in fresh soil.