About the Good Stuff

Good Stuff Guy
Good Stuff
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2015

Nowadays, there is an unbelievable amount of stuff out there. And I am not talking about digital. I am talking about products or hardware.

It has become increasingly difficult to find products with three key attributes that match my needs (and probably yours):

  • functionality
  • style
  • quality

Luckily, there is a ton of magazines, blogs, and others girls and boys like me that helped me to find those things that are relevant to me. With people being able to comment and share their opinions about products, companies have become much more aware of the effect of their outcome. Over the last decade, you can also observe the rise of handmade culture, valuing craftsmanship in the original sense.

The web offers us the ability to inform about and order almost everything from everywhere, delivered directly to our homes. What it does not offer (yet) is to get a grasp of how these things feel, what their surface like in different lighting situations, how products perform over long term.

Don’t take me wrong: I am not saying that there are no good products out there any more. The opposite is true, we just lost the overview. Good and bad are a very subjective terms. Everybody has another style, needs a different set of functionalities and has another understanding of quality.

You guys out there helped me so much in the last decade to find good stuff on the web by providing reviews, photos, videos, all with personal opinions highlighting pros and cons — because most of the stuff I want and need is not available in local stores.

Now I think is the right time to give back. I carry the things I value every day, and I am happy that I have invested so much effort in finding them. Therefore, I would like to start my own reviews for you out there with the hope that I might be a lighthouse in the endless streams of products. I focus on these categories:

  • EDC (every day carry)
  • Cycling (road bikes, accessories and apparel)
  • Gadgets

I will publish my reviews here in Medium and on provide updates on twitter Follow Good Stuff Guy. Thank you.



Good Stuff Guy
Good Stuff

Independent product reviews about cycling, gadgets and EDC