Weekly Roundup : 18.07.16

Hugo Stewart
4 min readJul 19, 2016


This is the second of a series where we recommend some of our favorite music, podcasts, videos, websites and articles.

Music :

Justice. They are the most eclectic combination of synths and distorted vocals that evokes some of the magic of C2C. Some great songs to start the day or for that mid afternoon pick up. I’d start with Safe and Sound and D.A.N.C.E.

Kiiara. She has become a staple on my design playlist finding that sweet spot between beat and lyrics that so many remix artists swing and miss at. With her debut EP (beautifully named) low kii savage having been released in March I can’t wait for her to build up a bigger catalogue. I’d start with Gold and Intention.

Podcasts :

Reply All. This is my favorite show currently being produced by Gimlet Media (a genre defining company https://goo.gl/kPu2xm) that uses the internet as a launch pad for any number of topics. They say they are a ‘podcast about the internet’ but the show has covered such an epic array of topics that I wouldn’t let that description hold too much weight. I’d start with listening to their 4 part series “On The Inside” a Serial esque look into a prison blogger.

Intelligence Squared Debates. We all know how important it is to listen to people on both sides of important issue and I can’t think of a more informed panel of opinions to hear than the guests brought to IQ2US debates. Held in front of a live audience in NYC the show takes on some of the most important issues of today getting extremely qualified people to spar it out. Definitely not a ‘put-it-on-in-the-background’ kind of show but worth the listen for sure.

Video :

Mr Robot. I have already written a large piece about why I think this is such a special show (https://goo.gl/LA3eyV) but I couldn’t resist including it here as well. Some of the best, unexpected and dramatic pay offs on TV. Currently only available on LightBox in New Zealand.

In a Nutshell (Kurzgesagt). I truly think that these videos might be some of the highest quality on the whole of YouTube. Stunningly designed, beautifully animated and absolutely fascinating. Their two videos on the Fermi Paradox were what got me utterly sold on them and every time they appear in my sub box I know it’s going to be a good day.

Websites :

ShotKit. Both of us are huge gearheads with photography and so, while we subscribe to the mantra that expensive gear doesn’t create magical work, sometimes its awesome to see what the people at the top of the industry use. And that is exactly what ShotKit is; a catalogue of top photographers in the world and their gear. Prepare to find a new favorite photographer. (http://shotkit.com/)

Highsnobiety. I am far from a sneaker collector and would barely consider my wardrobe ‘streetwear’ but ever since I found Highsnobiety it has entered my daily rotation of sites. An awesome collection of culture and creativity that is outside my usual bubble (see Reilly’s piece on this here https://goo.gl/sdtp3u) the site is a window into the frontier of mens fashion, music and, of course, sneakers. (http://www.highsnobiety.com/)

Articles :

Things we’ve learnt starting a creative agency by Motion Sickness. MS is a New Zealand based creative agency that, since its launch in 2012, has created an epic portfolio of work with some great boutique clients. On the back of this success it is expanding to Australia in the near future. So I would consider them a qualified opinion and hearing from people who actually know what they are talking about is invaluable. As someone who has long term dreams of maybe one day following in their footsteps i found this a great read. (http://goo.gl/Mk65SL)

Exclusive: Why Microsoft is betting its future on AI by The Verge. For anyone who is playing any attention to the big players in the tech space you will know that AI (artificial intelligence) is going to be a huge part of our near future. I personally am pretty clear with Google (who is killing it in this space) and Apple (who at least has an explicit vision) but Microsoft kinda slipped from my attention. And it's fascinating to see how they are striking back. (http://goo.gl/pviU69)

Sorry for the enormous delay with this article, we will now attempt to make it a truly weekly thing.

For more up to the moment looks into what we are looking into make sure to follow us at @hugojastewart and @reallyreillyh on all important platforms.

