Missions — Jul 2018 — Complete

Stuart Watson
Good Things
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018
Photo by Mark Solarski on Unsplash

For the past several months now I’ve been tackling a set of personal ‘missions’ each month, mostly focused around health, productivity & growth.

At the start of July I created this month’s set of ‘missions’ to complete every single day — no exceptions.

Here’s what happened.

The Missions

In July I set out to achieve these 9 things every single day:

Wake up at 5:41am. 30 from 31…doh!

Go for a long walk after getting up. Done

Do 100 push-ups. Done

Do a mobility & stretching routine for 15mins. Done

Complete all 3 activity rings on my Apple Watch. Done

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done

Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done

No email or social media before 10am. Kinda, sorta…

The Results

Another solid month but it wasn’t completely perfect. Here’s what happened in some more detail:

Wake up at 5:41am. !!!! An alarm failure/screwup on July 22 meant I broke my streak of 5:41am wake ups. Still, I was up before 7am and got right back into my daily routine.

Go for a long walk after getting up. Done. Same route. Same time. No exceptions.

Do 100 push-ups. Done. I typically completed with sets of 15–20 throughout the day.

Do a mobility & stretching routine for 15mins. Done. The actual routine was pretty random and I know I still have some improvements to make here.

Complete all 3 rings on my Apple Watch. Done.

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done. I decided to take my time in my reading this month and didn’t get through as many books as previous months. I also spent a few days going back and reading through some previous books too.

Discipline Equals Freedom — Jocko Willink. (Read for the seventh time).

Deskbound — Kelly Starrett.

Tribe of Mentors — Tim Ferriss.

The One Thing — Gary Keller.

Tuned In — Craig Still, Phil Myers & David Meerman Scott.

My top two this month…Deskbound and The One Thing.

Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done. I changed things up with my writing in July and I felt a lot better about the quality of my journaling.

No email or social media before 10am. Hmmm, kinda (not perfect every single day). Again this is still an issue I can work on although I was definitely better in July compared to June. I know it’s the right thing for my productivity so I just need to be more disciplined about it.

The Future

In August I’ll have another set of missions to knock off. Again, a lot will still be the same but, as I’ve said before, that’s kind of the point.

Let’s go.

‘Missions is a special project I started in December 2017. Little daily challenges, completed every month.



Stuart Watson
Good Things

Founder of @thelenslab. Creator of apps including Collect, LetterGlow, Little Moments & Adorable.