Missions — Jun 2018 — Complete

Stuart Watson
Good Things
Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2018
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

For the several months now I’ve been tackling a set of personal ‘missions’ each month, mostly focused around health, productivity & growth.

At the start of June I created this month’s set of ‘missions’ to complete every single day — no exceptions.

Here’s what happened.

The Missions

In June I set out to achieve these 9 things every single day:

Wake up at 5:41am. Done

Go for a long walk after getting up. Done

Do 100 push-ups. Done

Do a mobility & stretching routine for 15mins. Done

Complete all 3 activity rings on my Apple Watch. Done

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done

Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done

No email or social media before 10am. Kinda, sorta…

Take a creative family-based photo. Kinda, sorta…

The Results

Overall, a pretty solid month but I slipped on a couple of them and overall my discipline just wasn’t where it needed to be. Here’s what happened in some more detail:

Wake up at 5:41am. Done. Every single day.

Go for a long walk after getting up. Done. Same route. Same time. No exceptions.

Do 100 push-ups. Done. I typically completed with sets of 15–20 throughout the day. Looking and feeling stronger just by doing these alone but in June I also started going to a personal trainer (along with my 15yr old son).

Do a mobility & stretching routine for 15mins. Done. After starting out with the personal trainer (just once per week) it became even more obvious how bad a state my legs and hips are in. I had created a reasonable routine for this in June but know I need to do a whole lot more.

Complete all 3 rings on my Apple Watch. Done.

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done. A few good ones in here and I’m going to try and be a bit more selective in coming months.

Discipline Equals Freedom — Jocko Willink. (Read for the sixth time).

The Personal MBA — Josh Kaufman.

The War of Art — Steve Pressfield.

Seven Strategies for Wealth and Happiness — Jim Rohn.

The Rules of Life — Richard Templar.

Reality Check — Guy Kawasaki.

How to Be Well — Frank Lipman.

Anything You Want — Derek Sivers.

My top two this month…The War of Art and How to Be Well.

Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done. Unfortunately, like the last couple of months this month I felt that I was ‘going through the motions’ a little too much. The structure for my daily entries hasn’t progressed in the right direction and next month I will have to adjust it again.

No email or social media before 10am. Hmmm, kinda. I was pretty good at sticking to this most of the time but I do admit to slipping a few times. The main issue again was wanting to check my emails earlier in the day but I found that once I broke that seal then Twitter wasn’t too far away either… Oh well, got to work on it again next month.

Take a creative family-based photo. Hmmm, kinda. It was fun to get back into this practice again but as you can see I did miss a few days later in the month. I’m not too fussed about it though because I got back into a better habit of taking regular photos of the family again.

The Future

In July I’ll have another set of missions to knock off. Again, a lot will still be the same but that’s kind of the point.

My discipline felt like it slipped a little in June (as the results show) so I have to work on that next month.

Let’s go.

‘Missions is a special project I started in December 2017. Little daily challenges, completed every month.



Stuart Watson
Good Things

Founder of @thelenslab. Creator of apps including Collect, LetterGlow, Little Moments & Adorable.