Missions — Mar 2018 — Complete

Stuart Watson
Good Things
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2018

For the last 4 months I’ve been tackling a set of personal ‘missions’ each month. They’re mostly focused around health, productivity & growth.

At the start of March I created this month’s set of ‘missions’ to complete every single day.

Here’s how I did.

The Missions

In March I set out to achieve these 9 things every single day:

  1. Wake up at 5:41am. Done
  2. Go for a long walk after getting up. Done
  3. Do 50 push-ups. Done
  4. Do 30 squats. Done
  5. Complete all 3 activity rings on my Apple Watch. Done
  6. Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done
  7. Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done
  8. Don’t read any email or social media before 10am. Done
  9. Share a ‘Good Thing’ post on Instagram & Twitter. Done

The Results

Nailed them all. Here’s what happened:

Wake up at 5:41am. Done. Never in doubt.

Go for a long walk after getting up. Done. Same time, every day. At least 4.6km (2.86mi) on the same route (except the 31st as we are away travelling but still did a walk).

Do 50 push-ups. Done. Completed with 5 sets of 10, normally before midday.

Do 30 squats. Done. I just added these when doing some of the push-up sets. Realised I have a ‘clicky’ right knee and discovered I need to do a lot more strengthening work around my knees and thighs.

Complete all 3 rings on my Apple Watch. Done.

Read a physical book for at least 30mins. Done. Like in January and February, I got through a bunch of really good books but also bumped into a couple of real stinkers.

Discipline Equals Freedom — Jocko Willink. (Read for the third time).

The Magic of Thinking Big — David Schwartz.

Organize Tomorrow Today — Dr Jason Selk & Tom Barlow.

Extreme Ownership — Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

Cradle to Cradle — William McDonough & Michael Braungart.

Purple Cow — Seth Godin.

The Sirt Food Diet Recipe Book — Aidan Goggins & Glen Matten.

The Greatest Story Ever Told So Far — Lawrence Krauss. (Only read half).

How to Think —Alan Jacobs. (Only read half).

The Alchemist — Paolo Coelho.

My top two this month…Extreme Ownership and The Alchemist.

Write in a logbook about the previous day. Done. I refined the structure of what I was writing each day and found it to be much better. There is definitely something to the whole ‘journaling’ practice and I can tell that it builds over time. Might find some more ways to fine-tune for next month though after I’ve reviewed this month’s set of entries.

Don’t read any email or social media before 10am. Done. After trialing 9am last month I decided to move it back to 10am so I actually had a period of work before letting myself check Twitter etc. Restricting this on weekends was a bit frustrating at times but not a big deal. Will probably continue with this practice for next month.

Share a ‘Good Thing’ post on Instagram & Twitter. Done. I thought it would a be fun and useful exercise to share more of myself on social media but it did become a bit of an effort towards the end. Still, it was a ‘good thing’ to do and the result was pretty cool — a small record of things I think are good. Take a look:

The Future

In April I’ll be queuing up another set of missions to get stuck into. This whole project has been really rewarding in a lot of unexpected ways.

It feels good. Let’s go.

‘Missions is a special project I started in December 2017. Little daily challenges, completed every month.



Stuart Watson
Good Things

Founder of @thelenslab. Creator of apps including Collect, LetterGlow, Little Moments & Adorable.