COVID-19: A simple virus or humanity’s greatest lie

Published in
4 min readJul 9, 2020
Photo by Alissa Eckert, MSMI; Dan Higgins, MAMS

Bullshit. That’s exactly what you’ve been thinking when someone spouts their crazy coronavirus theories on you. From biological weaponry to a crazy supersized get-rich-quick scheme, we’re here to filter actual theories from the complete bullshit.

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash

Okay. Let’s kick things off with a ridiculous one. I say kick; what I really mean is shoot. A shooting fireball to be exact. According to some, Covid-19 arrived on earth via a fireball from space that burnt up in China last October. Fact check: there was a fireball seen above China last October. But, the first reported Covid-19 case occurred in December 2019. 2 whole months after any possible virus invasion. And, if you’re still not buying it, the World Health Organisation says ‘coronaviruses are thermolabile, which means that they are susceptible to normal cooking temperatures (70°C)’. However, a fireball is roughly 1400 degrees Celsius or 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. I’d say that’s probably above normal cooking temperatures. But, at this point, I guess its human nature to point to aliens when something weird happens.

Photo by Kaneptune

Ok. Let’s cut the crap. Here’s the biggest theory out there. I say theory, but its not really a specific idea. In fact, it's just incredible evidence with potentially ground-breaking implications. Major celebrities like Kim Kardashian have tweeted about this. In 2008, a book was written by Sylvia Browne, called the End of Days. What’s shocking is that this American author claimed to have psychic abilities. And even more shockingly, in her book Mrs. Browne wrote: “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments.’ Yep, pretty scary stuff. But it gets worse… There’s actually another book called ‘The Eyes of Darkness’. It’s technically a fictional piece but it talks about a disease called Wuhan-400, which is a biological weapon manufactured in Wuhan, China, and imported to the USA. Wuhan-400 is described with symptoms frighteningly similar to Covid-19. Both books reveal that Covid-19 might not be just your everyday pandemic.

Photo by Jack Sloop on Unsplash

5G. Wuhan was one of the first places where 5G trials took place. Very near the timing of the first reported coronavirus case. A well-known conspiracy theory is that Covid-19 is being caused by increased radiation from these 5G towers. In fact, citizens of Liverpool, England actually vandalized nearby 5G towers to prevent the spread of Covid-19. But if you really dig into the facts, this is kinda impossible; coronavirus is in countries with no 5G. An example is Iran. It doesn’t have a 5G network yet — but has over 250,000 cases and 12,000 deaths. To cut is short, 5G isn’t the reason why over 500,000 people have died.

Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash

Ok. Here’s another theory with a weaker foundation: Covid-19 is a crazy supersized get-rich-quick scheme. With stock prices plummeting in the face of a global pandemic, investors or even countries like China now have the perfect opportunity to buy up stocks set to skyrocket after the coronavirus is over. An example is an airplane stock, Boeing Co, which fell by near 50%. Many Chinese investors have taken this opportunity to buy and for the first time in many years, the Chinese stock market is outperforming the American.

Photo by Morning Brew on Unsplash

If you want something really ridiculous, let’s talk about Disney+. A streaming platform, by Disney, that came out just in time for an international lockdown. Convenient, right? But let’s be serious for a second, I highly doubt Disney manufactured an entire disease just to get a few more sales on their streaming platform.

Photo by Anton on Unsplash

Alright. Be honest. You probably came here for the lure of some crazy theories about this virus that could actually be true. Well, I’m sorry to disappoint, but the majority of theories are highly unlikely, if not impossible. So… your safest bet is to listen to the scientists and doctors out there, as well as following your country’s government guidelines. Don’t be that guy who goes around vandalizing 5G towers.

