2 Books To Maximize Your Return on Life in 2024 and Beyond

Their Value is Priceless, Surpassing Even a College Degree

Shireen Low
Good Vibes Club
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Image credit Canva Team

A New Year, A Deeper Understanding

As we welcome 2024, there’s an unmistakable buzz of New Year’s resolutions in the air. We’re all reaching for improved health, greater wealth, financial independence, and happiness. It’s a time of optimism, filled with aspirations.

Starting a new year is akin to having batteries fully charged, and equipped to tackle any challenge. Yet, as time progresses, it’s common for our energy to wane, our focus to blur, and that initial spark of enthusiasm to gradually diminish.

A Profound Realization on My Journey

Through my own experiences, I’ve come to a profound realization that has illuminated my path, helping me navigate various life challenges.

To those familiar with my journey, Master Ted Sun’s name is a frequent reference. He has been instrumental in my personal growth, offering practical wisdom on managing energy, grasping the true essence of abundance, and nurturing a positive mindset.

The Impact of a Recent Lesson

In a recent global live session led by Master Ted Sun on Christmas Eve, attended by thousands, he focused on the ‘Input and Output’ concept — a modern interpretation of ‘You Reap What You Sow’.

This lesson was more than just motivational; it catalyzed change, inspiring us to rewire our thoughts and pursue a life filled with abundance.

Two Life-Changing Books

Now, I’m thrilled to recommend Master’s two remarkable books:

  1. Super Life Secret Codes
  2. When the Source is Connected, Abundance is So Simple

The first is a compendium of self-help wisdom that I’ve previously discussed, while the latter offers insights into connecting with the universe and harnessing positive energy for sustained abundance.

The True Essence of Life’s Blessings

In “When the Source is Connected, Abundance is so Simple,” Master Ted Sun employs a unique conversational style. His dialogues with students are not only engaging but also offer a deeply relatable and profound journey into understanding and applying transformative principles.

As we embark on this new year, I wholeheartedly suggest you check out these two books. They transcend the traditional concept of reading; they are gateways to enduring happiness and success, brimming with insights into positivity and the true essence of life’s blessings.


This is NOT an affiliate promotion; it’s an honest sharing of a life-changing philosophy because the teachings of Master Ted Sun have profoundly impacted my life, offering wisdom that goes beyond conventional success metrics.

Positivity, Love, and Gratitude are the keys to a life beyond your wildest dreams. Let’s make our world a better place, one grateful heart at a time.



Shireen Low
Good Vibes Club

Positivity advocate | AI enthusiast | I help startups grow with affordable and efficient AI solutions. ➡️ thynkproductive.com