2024 Buffet


Waqas Ahmad
Good Vibes Club
Jul 4, 2024


A feast of futures laid out,
gleaming under the artificial sun,
silver platters brimming
with possibilities, choices, chances.

Technology’s hum is the background music,
a symphony of algorithms and data streams,
serving up innovations,
bite-sized and tantalising.

Voices mingle in the air,
discussions of climate, politics, progress,
seasoned with hope, fear,
spiced with dreams of what could be.

Each dish, a decision,
each taste, a turn in the path,
the buffet of 2024
a mosaic of humanity’s hopes,
served on the table of time.

This poem presents 2024 as a year filled with choices and opportunities, likened to a buffet where each option represents a potential future. It underscores the significance of decisions in shaping our path, highlighting the interplay of technology, progress, and the collective hopes and fears of humanity.

