(#27) Songs That Make Us Feel Good…

Summer/Fourth of July Edition

Good Vibes Club


I’ve got to leave you with two songs today. One, because it’s the Fourth of July here in America, and two, because I woke up with it stuck in my head. It was just meant to be.

So, the first one, isn’t sung nor produced by Americans — South Africans to be exact — but they sure now how to make a summertime hit that gives you all of the feels! Nothing like that sexy saxophone!

**Click play below. You won’t be disappointed, I promise : )

The second song most definitely needs to be one from here in America, and who better than the man himself, Bob Seger.

I heard this song the other day leaving the grocery store. I had to turn it on for the car ride home, myself. It was the perfect summer anthem.

**Click play below. You won’t be disappointed, I promise : )



Good Vibes Club

Author of "Wolves of Hemp Street" (pen name: Floyd Wooderson) | Cervical Vertigo & Panic Attack Sufferer | NOT A.I. | Real Person w/ real articles