3 Books that make me feel happy.

David Cerqueira
Good Vibes Club
Published in
4 min readMay 8, 2023

Everybody has them, those miserable days where everything is less than it ought to be. I don’t trust my mind and heart to any author on those particular days. Rather, I reach out to the few books I know that will rejuvenate me and breath life into my soul. There are three books, only three, that I trust like old friends. Having a conversation with any of these three books always leaves me a happier person.

Happy woman sitting with book.
Picture by Picture Generator Hotpot.ai, slide by Author.

Rainy Day Book

Rainy days require a special kind of book. You just can’t pick up a “How to” book on a rainy day. Reading on a rainy day ought to be a cozy and comfortable activity that transports you to other worlds and provides a much-needed escape from the gloomy weather outside. There’s something about the sound of rain tapping against the window, the smell of wet earth, and the dim light that makes reading all the more enjoyable. Curling up with a good book, a cup of tea or coffee, and a cozy blanket can create the perfect atmosphere for losing yourself in a story.

Girl reading a book by the window on a rainy day
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My rainy day book is “The Long Fight”, by D.A. Rayner. Set in 1808, Rayner tells of the sailing frigates San Fiorenzo and the Piemontaise that engaged in a three-day epic battle. Based on a true historical occurrence, Rayner describes the ships and historical context just as well as he narrates the action.

And there is a lot of action! On the French side, Captain Enron of the Piemontaise is determined to invade and destroy the small British colony of Ceylon. The only resistance to this attempt of genocide is the much smaller British vessel San Fiorenzo which intercepts the Piemontaise. The English Captain Harding and his crew, out numbered and outgunned by the French give their lives in defense of justice. Inspiring to the bone and impossible to read without believing that their are somethings worth fighting for.

Facing an Impossible Situation Book

At some point in our lives, we all face difficult moments that seem insurmountable. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a health crisis, financial hardship, or a major life change, there are times when we feel overwhelmed. These situations can be incredibly challenging and may require us to dig deep and find reserves of strength we didn’t know we had. I often find that strength in books, and to be honest, I can’t imagine life without the help of these books.

Girl holding a book as she walks through a forest.
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When facing those impossible moments, I often turn to the Chronicles of the Kings. Evil queen Jezebel and crazy horseman Jehu, Josiah standing by the pillar of the ruined temple, or the outlaws that gathered at the Cave of En Gedi and then formed the resistance to the king, one after another, each story drives deep into your heart that there is a sweeter peace on the other side of victory. If you haven’t read the Old Testament kingdom books of the biblical corpus, well, you just haven’t lived.

Favorite Children’s Book

Why include my favorite kid’s book in this list? Because a book that made us feel happy when we were children will still have a magical effect on us when we are adults. While these books may be written for a younger audience, they often contain timeless messages and themes that can resonate with readers of all ages. Children’s books can transport us to magical worlds, offer important life lessons, and provide a refreshing break from the complexities of adult life.

Barefooted girl reading a book at the library.
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My favorite children’s book is Patricia St. John’s Treasure in the Snow. This heart warming story is set in the snow cap mountains of the Alps. Two children are caught in the dangers of the mountain as the countdown begins to save another child’s life. With a storm on the mountain and another one within the heart, decisions are made that make this story remarkably emotional. It seems like I have read it a thousand times, and each time, this book leaves me with a full heart.

How about you?

What is your rainy day book?

Do you have a favorite book?

What do you read when you are feeling down?

Which book leaves you with a smile?



David Cerqueira
Good Vibes Club

Captivating true stories that will inspire you to take on life with a sense of adventure.