Me, my nephew — eating the right stuff


Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club


This used to be my height till some of my discs started to disintegrate, not very nice, made of sandstone my guess. So far it’s only an inch I’ve lost, just think what they’re going to do over my next 100 or so years.

The way things are advancing why shouldn’t I expect to be around in the next century, attached to some kind of machine no doubt. Good chance my kids will be, around that is, sans assistance I’d hope.

I wear a lot of blue, eat only the best, exercise and all that. Soon I’ll apply to one of those Blue Zones, not sure which. Needless to say, there will be a few ambiguities on my resume, not to mention the excessive use of the term moderation. If anyone has some practice tests please forward as I’ll need all the help I can get to pull this one off.

Genetically I’m already ahead of the game. My parents went well into their 80’s, one still going, true to form it’s the female. Hi Mom. Happy Mother’s Day. The way things are going she’s likely to get another letter from whoever is President, like you get when you turn 80, for her 90th. I think she should be given more than just a letter, maybe give her a line-item veto or something worthwhile. Better yet give her a seat on the Supreme Court, how wrong could that go?

I’ve been offered, for a small fee (my portion), new discs, ones that will likely still be around once my bones melt, which would be a good start to the next 100 years. If done right I should spend the rest of my days with perfect posture, (for mom — ‘stand up straight’ she’d been heard to say), might not be able to golf since that requires some ability to rotate, oh well. I’ve already had to dislike a lot of stuff just to get this far, wouldn’t want to upset the apple cart (not the one you’re thinking of although that might well be where we’ll be going for spare parts in the not-to-distant future).

As far as my brain is concerned, I’m not concerned. (I think it’s fine to use the same word twice in a sentence). I do all the right things. Sudoku, NY Times Crossword, heck I’ve even sent a few back as a token of my appreciation for their contribution to my mental health. I liked them, sadly they won’t be making an appearance in their publication any time soon. Truth is I’m okay with that, it was a fun undertaking giving me an added appreciation for those Thur-Sat ones, even some Sundays. There are some very smart, possibly strange people out there taking time to come up with fodder for our mental masturbation.

Note: Just by virtue of reading this, you’ve likely added decades to your stay here on this magnificent, although poorly managed, glorious orb. It is possible, should I see my time here seemingly bumping into, yet to be surmounted, obstacles, I’ll need to talk to Elon about a ticket. Hey, I was born in South Africa that’s got to count for something.

Well, that’s it for now, need to get back to my chia seeds, yogachi (they’ve merged these in order to attract a wider audience), and my inner chi.



Anthony Krut
Good Vibes Club

My way of getting words on paper. Not too much editing, just thoughts, feelings, anything that strikes on the day. Images are mine, mostly.