7 Habits You Have To Practice To Stay Happy

Let me know how many of these habits you practice already!

Good Vibes Club
5 min readSep 11, 2023


Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash

Hey readers! Do you consider your the habits you practice as healthy? Do you consider yourself happy?

Do you know that the habits we practice in our daily life can drastically change our mood and our lifestyle?

Every person has unhealthy habits and it is not easy to shake them off. It would be a good start to develop some healthy habits first.

If you’re feeling depressed or lost lately, this might be the article that gets you back on track. You’ve already taken your first step by clicking on this article!

1. Be Thankful

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

Are you grateful for what you have?

Appreciate the food, roof over your head and the people you cherish everyday. Sometimes when we have things available to us constantly we tend to take them for granted.

Take a moment to consider that there is someone out there having a much harder time than we do. Being grateful will directly result in happiness and hope.

Where you are right now is where you prayed to be a year ago.

So take a moment to be grateful everyday and maybe even say a prayer.

2. Live The Little Moments

Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

One habit that can keep you mentally happy is to savor the little moments in life. Living in the moment that gives you happiness for a while longer is great for your mental health.

Sometimes in this fast paced life we tend to not stop and appreciate the little moments in life.

Having a party? Enjoy.

Just graduated? Celebrate.

So the next time you appreciate something small be sure to take an extra minute to acknowledge it and bask in it. Don’t let these moments pass you by.

3. Give Compliments

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Did you know that if you compliment someone it positively impacts your mood and the person you just complimented?

Complimenting is a easy way to increase a person’s mood from 10 to at least a 90.

Never underestimate the power of a random compliment.

Be sure to compliment each other. A compliment never hurts anyone anyway. In fact, it may make you both happy.

4. Go With The Flow

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Have you ever heard the expression ‘Go with the flow’?

Happy people often experience what is known as the flow.

Flow is a state where one is fully involved and absorbed in the present moment.

In this state, one possesses intense concentration, a loss of self — consciousness and a sense of timelessness.

Being in the flow is not easy. It often occurs when you are enjoying something. Try finding your passion and what makes you happy.

Sometimes doing something you enjoy and being in the flow is all the motivation you need.

5. Work Towards Your Goal

Photo by Kyle Gregory Devaras on Unsplash

The best way to stay motivated is to set goals that are in line with your passion and working towards them. Progressing everyday towards your even a little will result in happiness.

If we feel like our life lacks a purpose then it is very easy to fall into a depressive state. Therefore it is very important to set goals to achieve.

Set small goals to achieve everyday as it’s something to look forward each day. Achieving them gives you satisfaction and happiness.

6. Get Enough Sleep

Photo by Minnie Zhou on Unsplash

Remember the 7 to 8 hours of sleep you should be getting? When was the last time you slept for a healthy amount of time on a consistent basis?

Sleep is extremely important to your mental health. Did you know that sleep deprivation kills your brain cells?

Not having enough sleep can negatively impact your health, mood, memory, judgement and reaction time.

It is impossible to be happy if we are tired all the time right? So try getting an adequate amount of sleep everyday.

Try scheduling your time for bed and stay away from electronic devices an hour before bedtime to really wind down.

7. Appreciate Nature

Photo by Dawid Zawiła on Unsplash

Nature is the most beautiful you can see and soothing things in this world. Spending at least 30 minutes or more outside can help lower your blood pressure and depression.

Another study found that taking a walk outside in a green environment increases our mood and decreases the negative thoughts we have.

Where flowers bloom so does hope.

But be sure to take a walk in a green environment and not in the city sidewalk as studies have shown that walking in the city has no positive effect on your mood.

Take in the sunrises and sunsets and the beauty of nature. Nature is one of the best things that can calm you down and give you the positive reinforcement you need.

So, which one of these habits do you already practice? Let me know in the comments. Have a wonderful rest of your day!



Good Vibes Club

Hi! I write about mental health, self-improvement and sometimes about other interesting things I find on the internet.